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The faint wind made his hair rustle a smirk curved his features and a light dimple appeared. He stared out into the distance, his breathing was audible and calm when he spoke.

"Nothing at all"


In a war there are never any winners.

The concept is always the same; dehumanise, destabilise, antagonise.

Dehumanise: Do not feel for what you kill, carry the action through. What you kill is less than human, it is merely an object.

Destabilise: Break apart any connections you see. Weaken stable relationships and rip apart homes inside out.

Antagonise: Bring fear wherever you go, do not back down to any threats. At any opportunity show your authority.

This is what I learnt from the First Order.

It's human nature to stand up for your thoughts but when you're in the heat of the moment the weak cower and the strong prevail. The three word motto was drilled into my brain and I was thrown onto the field.

dehumanise, destabilise, antagonise.

You don't back down unless you are on deaths door and can't breath. Countless lives would be taken selfishly because one psychopath in a mask wants to be feared.

A flush of shame flew over my face when I looked into the mirror. I didn't see myself. I saw a murderer. Someone who took life without a second thought. Someone who didn't hesitate whether the victim were a man, woman or child.

It didn't matter what side you were on. Nonetheless no one won.

The 'winners' lost family and friends. The 'loosers' lost family and friends.

At the end of the day everyone was just as bad as the other. The reflection staring back at me morphed into a dull and empty face. My brows drew together and I bit my lower lip with anticipation. My eyes darted to each feature on my face, critically looking at the person in front of me.

"Skye" the distant voice was quizzical, my head jolted around the corner breaking my own eye contact. Rey came round the corner with a buzzing smile when she found me in the bathroom.

"Finally, I've looked everywhere for you" she paused and looked around my face to meet my eyes. One eyebrow raised and she placed her hand on her hip.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, always" I contorted my lips into an awkward toothy smile.

"Good" the gleaming smile returned to her face "It's nearly time to take off". She jumped on her heels and left briskly. The three buns in her hair were secure and neat. How the hell do they not fall out.

I scoffed at my thoughts and relaxed the grimace on my cheeks. A cold-hard glare stared back at me when I looked in the mirror for possibly the last time.

"Hurry up" Rey's distant voice came from outside the refresher. I jogged lightly to the pilots helmet I left on the counter to my left. I gripped it tightly under my arm and went to walk to the hangar.


dehumanise, destabilise, antagonise.

I played it over and over in my head when I stood by my X-Wing. I ran my hand across the smooth metal frame. In the corner of my eye I saw the bubbly Siena walk over to my side. She wore a deep smile when I turned around.

"Are you ready" her voice on edge and with excitement. I nodded enthusiastically in response but in reality I was nervous.

"Good" she giggled childishly "So you and Poe-"

assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now