Chapter 6

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I couldn't sleep that night. I have too much on my mind. I tried to wash my face with some water but it didn't help. I tried to sleep with Minho and Newt again. There was rattling. I sat up confused. 

"Psst" a voice whispered. 

I climbed down off the bed silently. 

"Hey" a voice whispered. 

I looked around confused. 

"Down here" the voice whispered. 

I looked under one of the beds and saw a boy. 

"Oh my God" I whispered as the boy shushed me. 

"Come on, follow me" the boy whispered. 

"What" I whispered as the boy crawled away. 

I followed the boy threw the vents. 

"Hurry, this way" said the boy. 

I continued to follow him. We crawled threw the vents and I kept following the boy. Where ever he is leading me. We took a couple turns. 

"Hey wait a second. What the heck are you doing" I asked. 

"Come on, we're gonna miss it" said the boy. 

I signed and kept following the boy. 

"What the heck am I doing" I mumbled to myself. 

I made it to the end and saw the boy looking down threw a hole. 

"What the heck are we doing" I asked. 

The boy shushed me. 

"Come here" he whispered. 

I crawled over to him and looked down the vent. 

"Watch" said the boy. 

I said nothing and watched. A women came up. There people being strolled on beds. I moved to the other side of the vent. The women swipped her card and the people entered a room. 

"What the heck was that" I asked. 

"They bring new ones in every night like clock worth" said the boy. 

"Do you know what they do with them" I asked. 

"No, this is as far as I've ever gotten. The vents don't even enter that part of the building. But once they go threw that door, they never come out. I don't think anyone ever really leaves this place" said the boy. 

"Maybe Daron was right. He said something about the farm harvesting humans" I said. 

"Maybe, come on. We gotta go before some body notices we're gone" said the boy. 

The boy started leaving. 

"Hey wait, what's your name" I asked. 

The boy stopped and looked at me. 

"Aris" he said. 

He then left. I crawled back to my room and climbed in bed. Surprisingly I some how found sleep. The next day was mostly the same. I tried to tell the others about my theory. At dinner was the same as yesterday. 

"Who are you texting" asked Ben. 

"A friend. You'll find out later" said Daron. 

Janson entered the room with his two people. 

"You all know how this works. Let's begin" said Janson. 

He looked at the list. 

"Alice, Barry, Walt, Edgar, Samantha" said Janson. 

"I wanna know what's threw that door" I whispered. 

"Aaron" said Janson. 

"Thomas no, you are just paranoid" said Alby. 

"Dennis" said Janson. 

"He was right in the maze" said Chuck. 

"Sally" said Janson. 

"We've been over this. You said they were covered up so you don't know what you saw" said Newt. 

"Henry" said Janson. 

"I know what I saw guys. They were bodies. Aris said they bring in a new batch every night" I said. 

"Tim" said Janson. 

"Who the heck is Aris" asked Minho. 

I pointed at Aris and everyone looked over. 

"David" said Janson. 

"Thomas you are a shank" said Ben. 

"Sarrah" said Janson. 

"Just because he has been here a week means nothing. People die Thomas. How do you know they didn't die of disease or maybe they are testing the cranks for a cure" said Alby. 

"And Daron" said Janson. 

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