Chapter 37

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"Are you sending it to your boyfriend" asked Minho. 

"Ya, he wanted to see you guys" said Daron. 

"Who is he" asked Chuck. 

"You'll see him later" said Daron. 

"But why won't you tell us about your secret boy toy" asked Lewis. 

"Shut up, he is my boyfriend and you will see why when you meet him" said Daron. 

"Then let's bloody meet him. I want to know who this bloody shank is" said Newt. 

"Okay, in six months" said Daron. 

We all groaned. 

"Hey is that Teresa over there" I asked looking at the person. 

Everyone else looked over. 

"I think so. Maybe she isn't a people person" said Frypan. 

"I would love to have left her tied to that pole. Good ridence is all I say to that devil. She is like Hitler. But he at least cared about Germany or whatever" said Daron. 

"Daron you can be a little nicer to her. She hasn't done anything wrong. She probably doesn't like people because of you and I thought you were Jewish (not officially. Still converting)" I said. I got up and started leaving. 

"And where are you going" asked Newt. 

"To go talk to Teresa" I said. 

I left the group and went to go talk to Teresa. How can Daron be so mean like that to her? He hates her but hasn't said why. I don't like Teresa a lot either. She keeps flirting with me but she isn't as bad as Daron claims. I think he just misses his Soulmate and is taking it out on Teresa. I walked up to Teresa. It was starting to get dark. 

"Hey, you okay" I asked. 

Teresa turned to me. 

"What are you doing up here" I asked. 

Teresa turned back to the horizon. 

"Just thinking" she said. 

"Did Daron say something to you" I asked. 

"No" said Teresa. 

"Oh, what are you thinking about" I asked. 

"Do you remember your mom" asked Teresa as she turned to me. 

I tried to think. 

"Uh, I'm not sure. I had a dream of her I think" I said. 

"I remember mine" said Teresa. 

"She was a beautiful women and everybody loved her" said Teresa. 

I am sure her dad is a lucky man. 

"Before WCKD she was all I had" said Teresa. 

"What about the rest of your family? Didn't you have cousins or anything" I asked. 

"No. It was just us" said Teresa. 

"When my mom got sick, I didn't know what to do. We just kept her locked up. I thought she would get better" said Teresa. 

"I remember every night she made these awful screams. One night she stopped but when I went to talk to her, she scratched her eyes out Thomas" said Teresa. 

I was shocked. How do I respond to that. For all I know my mom could of done the same. 

"There are millions of people suffering out there. Millions of stories just like mine. Daron isn't going to help them. He believes in destroying WCKD and that the way WCKD does things is wrong" said Teresa. 

"What are you saying" I asked. 

"I think we should go back. We need to find a cure. You are the cure Thomas. You can fix this" said Teresa. 

We were silent for a minute. 

"We can't turn our backs on everyone. I won't. Not when we can fix this" said Teresa. 

"Teresa why are you telling me this" I asked. 

"I want you to understand" said Teresa. 

"Understand what" I asked. 

"Why I did it" said Teresa. 

Lights came on in the distance. Teresa turned to look at them. They were coming closer. 

"Teresa" I asked. 

"Please don't fight them Thomas" said Teresa as she turned to me. 

It's WCKD I know it. 

"What have you done" I asked.

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