Chapter 25

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I slid down and grabbed onto something to stop before I touch the window. I reached my hand out to Brenda. I don't like those noises the window is making. 

"Come on" I said. 

"I can't" said Brenda. 

"Come on Brenda grab my hand" I said. 

I heard a crank. I looked up and saw one. Wait where are the two who have been crushing on me? I know they were following us. The crank fell into the room. 

"NO, NO, NO" I yelled as the crank fell. 

It grabbed Brenda and fell on the window. 

"THOMAS" Brenda yelled. 

She kicked the crank off her. 

"YOU GOT TO GET TO ME" I yelled. 

Brenda tried to crawl to me. 

"BRENDA" I yelled. 

"I CAN'T REACH" Brenda yelled. 

The crank dragged Brenda back by her legs. The crank tried to bite Brenda but she tried to hold it back. I grabbed a medal stick. Brenda shoved the crank off her. 

"COME ON" I yelled. 

"BRENDA" I yelled. 

I slid down and grabbed Brenda's hand as the crank was coming. The crank bit Brenda and she screamed. Shit. She isn't immune to the flare. I broke the glass and the crank fell. I held Brenda and stood up. She grabbed me with her other hand and looked down a few times. 

"It's okay, I got you" I said. 

I pulled Brenda up and we climbed out of the room. We made it back to the stairs and I was grabbed by the two cranks. 

"THOMAS" Brenda yelled. 

The cranks hissed at Brenda and sat me on the stairs. I tried to free myself. The cranks lifted my jacket and shirt. Brenda tried to free me but the cranks pushed her away. The cranks bit my chest and I screamed. 

"THOMAS" Brenda yelled. 

I shoved the cranks off me and Brenda shoved them down the stairs. She ran up to me. 

"Are you okay" she asked. 

"Ya, I think so" I said. 

Brenda touched the bite and it stung. I groaned in pain. 

"Are you immune" asked Brenda. 

"I don't know. I hope so. Daron should know. He knew Winston isn't immune" I said. 

I stood up and we started walking. It was pretty slow. My chest stung a little. We made it to some other stairs and made it to the ground. 

"We have to hurry and find the others before we crank out" I said. 

"What you think there is a cure" asked Brenda sarcastically. 

"Daron can cure and heal anything. He can help us" I said. 

"If you say so Thomas" said Brenda sarcastically. 

We started to walk threw a town. 

"Hey, do you hear that" I asked. 

Brenda set her bag down and sat down. I turned to her. Brenda grabbed some gauze or something. 

"Hey, you alright" I asked walking up to her. 

Brenda lifted her left pants leg. 

"Shit, that looks bad" said Brenda. 

"Brenda" I said. 

"Ya, ya. I know. Let's just go find Marcus" said Brenda as she wrapped up her leg. 

She finished and put her bag back on. We started walking again. We walked onto the street and started walking. I looked around. 

"Okay, try to blend in" said Brenda as we walked. 

There was people living here. It was kinda sad to see these living conditions. I guess they are lucky to still have their families. I wish I could see mine. Or at least remember more then that dream of my mom giving me to WCKD. We started walking past a building with music blaring. I could feel the beat almost. Guess they still have parties.

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