That night

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Ruby was at home with Iain as Ruby was fast asleep on his chest on the sofa.

Iain heard quiet sobs as he said" babe what's wrong?" Ruby said" When I found out I was pregnant I thought you would never see our baby and I've missed you stay with me all night please don't move away from me."

Iain nodded and carried Ruby to bed as Iain tucked in Ruby and kissed her forehead. Iain sat on the side of the bed and said" I'm here now and I'm not gonna leave you now even Gem or Rash that's a promise."

The next morning Gem and Rash came to visit as Gem said" How's Ruby?" Iain said" she kept moving her head on my chest as she thought I wasn't gonna be around to see our baby daughter."

Rash said" after the news from the officers she stayed at our place not wanted to touch this place it felt horrible to her."

Ruby was still asleep. Iain came up and sat down on the floor holding her hand and his other hand on the bump as he smiled at the baby kicking.

Ruby's final scan arrived and she was quite nervous as Duffy said" Iain is here so is Gem, Rash me and Charlie so don't panic sweetheart also Tina is here including Max."

The heartbeat filled the room as Iain smiled and kissed his wife's cheek. Ruby said" Iain that's our baby girl." Iain said" yes babe it is."

So many months later Ruby felt a twinge and held her stomach as Gem rushes over and said" Rubes you alright holding onto the side of the ambulance."

Ruby said" contractions Gem do you know where Iain is?" Rash rushes to the ambulance station where Iain said" Rash what's wrong?"

Rash said" Ruby has started her contractions and it's painful" as Iain said" Jan need to go Ruby needs me."

After rushing back to the hospital they found Ruby in RESUS where Duffy said" time for Ruby to push Iain take her hand."

After so many big pushes their baby girl was born as Ruby smiled at their daughter and said" Blossom means fresh and I wanna call our daughter that name."

Iain smiled and said" just in time too Blossom is coming out from the trees and I think it is a nice name."

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