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"Hold on. I think she's waking up." I heard someone say as I slowly opened my eyes, quickly closing them again once I saw how bright it was.

"The hell?" I spoke groggily, feeling an instant sharp pain in my left leg.

"Ow." I whined as the pain seemed to become unbearable once I'd pay mind to it.

"Ow!" I whined louder this time, finally opening my eyes.

"Baby, you're fine. You're fine." My mother stood there by my bedside, calming me as I grabbed at my leg.

The pain then slowly began to go away as I looked around the random hospital room and saw Deja sleeping in a lone chair.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked, trying hard to remember what happened to me. All I could remember was having sex with Dominic in the car, everything else afterwards was blank.

"You were shot in the leg last night, Tiana." My mother spoke up, making me gasp as I instantly remebered.

"Oh my god." I covered my mouth as flashbacks from last night began to flood my mind.

"No. No. Where's Dominic?" I panicked, trying to get out of bed but she grabbed me, calming me again.

"Stop trying to calm me down."

"Where is he?!" I yelled, making Deja stir in her sleep before her eyes slowly popped opened.

"Tiana, Dominic is fine." My mother laid her hand on my shoulder while she assured me.

"I told him to go down to the cafeteria to eat. I recommended it because he really needed to take his mind off of you for just one second."

"He was so worried all night." She went on and I nodded slowly, sighing in relief.

"I need to see him."

"I want to see him. Tell him to come back." I demanded and she nodded, looking over to Deja.

"Deja, could you?" My mother asked and she nodded.

"Aight, I'll go get him." She spoke sleepily, standing to her feet before making her way out of the room.

When she left, my mother's eyes reverted back to me. She smiled small as she reached out and placed the palm of her hand onto my cheek.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" She asked, pushing stray hairs behind my ear.

"No. I just remember Dom and I talking in the car.." I trailed off, not really telling her what was actually going on before all of this.

"I just don't understand how this could've happened. Who would do this?" I spoke sadly, trying to remember if I saw a face or not but of course my memory fell short again.

Breaking me away from my thoughts, I watched as the door swung open and both Dominic and Deja came into the room.

"Baby." I called out in excitement as he quickly made his way over to me, hugging me tight. He didn't say anything, he simply held me as tight as he could while my mother and Deja both watched closely.

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