Chapter one- The nightmares

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It was 3:45am. I called out for my parents with pure panic in my shaky voice.

"Mom?! Dad?! Where are you?!" I whimpered.

"We're right here darling. Cant you see us? Bella? Sweetie?" My mom and dad were calling me but their voices seemed far away, and with each step I took, the voices got quieter and quieter.

"Mom! Why cant i see you?!" I was looking for them, with my breath getting heavy, panting and my heartbeat getting fast.

"Bella Wake up! You're doing it again. Bella wake UP!" A familiar voice that was drawing me away from my parents. Getting louder the more it spoke.

Suddenly, i felt my body shake from the shoulders down through my torso. I was shocked at the way my body moved quick, and i shot up with a gasp, opening my eyes wide.

"Dude, you're soaking wet with sweat, are you alright? Jheeze girl I heard you screaming from the next room!" Kristen sat me up and patted a towel against my head. "Here, Lets get you out of these clothes"

These nightmares were starting to become a regular thing again. Id dream of running through the woods trying to find my parents, Who died when i was 15 when a drunk driver crashed into their car while they were on their way to the airport for a business trip to Tokyo. When I think about it, it feels like it was only yesterday it had happened. The tragic emotion I felt, the flashbacks of all the news channels with each time I tried to skip on the remote flashing my parents faces.

But now, at 26, after having a 3 year break from these nightmares, they were worming their way into my dreams at night and poisoning my sleep all over again.

I sighed.
"Im sorry i woke you again Kristen. How long was it this time?" I sighed, breathing still heavy while lifting the damp top from over my head and throwing it into the dirty laundry pile.

"Erm, a good 5 minutes before i came in this time Bella, I tried to see if you would settle yourself, but you just got more and more distressed the longer I left you"

"Shit. I don't know why after all this time, im having these nightmares again" i said muffled as Kristen pulled a floral night dress over my flushed head.

Kristen has been my best friend since we were in primary school. We've been through thick and thin and she has seen everything of my life. The good, the bad, the happy times, the really sad times. The grief of losing my parents was the toughest so far but we've always been there for each other to pick one another up when we've needed it, and boy didn't I need it right now!

She handed me a hair tie so i could gather my damp sweaty hair into a messy bun.

"Listen boo. I think you should see someone. Like a counsellor or a therapist or something. Im obviously not enough this time round to stop this even though id love to be, but this time I think we both need some help, you especially. Its 4:00am dude, and this is the 3rd time this week! You gotta do something."

"Yeah i think you're right Kristen" i say rubbing my clammy forehead.

"Will you stay with me please, i don't want to sleep on my own tonight"

"Of course, but we have our first day of university tomorrow. We need as much rest as we can get. Have you set your alarm? Ill set mine too just in case" Kristen picks her phone up to turn on the 6:00am alarm and then places her phone under the pillow she's lay on.

"Thank you" i whisper

"Get some rest" Kristen pecks my forehead and wraps her arm around me and holds me tight.

Soon after, i looked around to Kristen to see her asleep. I wish i could go to sleep so quick just like that. I pick my phone up off the table trying not to wake Kristen.

"4:35am? Jheeze. Class in less than 4 hours. Come on brain, shut off" i place my phone back down onto the table beside me and close my eyes, thinking to myself

"Please please PLEASE let tomorrow be a good day" i cross my fingers and begin to relax. I feel my eyes getting heavier, along with a burning sensation and soon after feel myself start to drift off to sleep, and i didn't dare to fight it this time.

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