Chapter two- Solo shower pleasure

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I heard buzzing coming from my side table. It was my alarm going off on my phone. Oh great, here we go.

Today was my first day of university. Im starting so late because i took so much time off school when my parents died that i didnt graduate when everybody else did. I dropped out just before exams and got a job at a local cafe who is run by my mother's best friend, Sarah.

She's been the mother figure when ive needed one, I can basically tell her anything. Having a best friend is cool, but you always need your mother and sometimes there are just comfort that you need that your friends cant give you. And that's what shes been since my parents died. she helped me study when i got into college a few years ago and i finally graduated in spring and got into the university i wanted. I couldn't thank her enough and I definitely couldn't have done it without her. Her and kristen have been my rock ever since the loss of my parents.

I always thought my first day would be so exciting and would fill me with butterflies, but all i could feel as it was dawning on me was anxiety and a nauseated feeling. I felt weak and tired. I opened the draw of my bedside cabinet and pulled out a little white packet of pills.

I sighed deeply and shook my head. I hate being dependant on my anti anxiety meds but on a day like today, I sure as hell needed them.

I opened the packet, turned the foil pack upside down and pushed a little white pill out. I reached over for my bottle of water, opened the lid, shoved the pill into my mouth and took a big gulp, washing it down with the water.

"Hey, bella! Come in dude weve got class in an hour and a half. Get your ass in the shower you smell like shit" kristen laughed running into my room and jumping on me

"Ok...OK quit it!! Ill get up" i started hitting her with my pillow playfully, laughing.

I sat up rubbing my eyes looking around the room. I lifted my arms up to reveal the stale smell of sweat. Jheeze i really do smell. And so do my covers. I really must have sweat buckets last night.

Illi leapt up and began taking the stinking covers off my bed and threw them on top of last nights clothes in the dirty laundry pile.

"Come on bella im already up and dressed, do you want some breakfast?"

"Yeah sure, ill have pancakes " I replied

"Get your ass in the shower and get ready and ill make it for you. Go go go!!" Kristen ordered. She always gave me that kick up the backside i needed.

"thanks girl" I grinned sweetly

I got up and shuffled into the bathroom and turned the shower on. The steam from the hot water quickly filled the room so i wiped my hand down the mirror to reveal my face.

"Wow bella, you really do look rough" I leaned both arms onto the bathroom counter and rubbed my face harshly, still trying to wake myself up.

I locked the bathroom door, got undressed, put on my playlist and stepped into the shower. The power of the water from my shower felt good hitting my naked body, it relaxed my muscles and thoughts instantly, and I let out a deep breath.

The hot water also made me feel...horny. Surely ive got a few spare minutes before I have to face reality. knowing I had locked the door, I realised nobody would walk in, I wouldn't be interrupted.

I smirked to myself and slowly reached my hands down towards my pussy, running my fingers down my chest, gently pinching my nipples which made me bite my lip. I caressed my breast and gently pinched my nipples, biting my lower lip.

I placed my buttocks onto the shower tiles behind me, jumping at the sudden feeling of cold against them.

I slid my hands even further down towards my pussy and began to stimulate my entrance. I closed my eyes and let out a soft moan, knowing theyd be disguised by the music playing through the speaker. The hot water felt good running down my relaxed body which made my pussy pulse even further.

I put one leg up onto the side of my shower and placed to fingers onto my aching clitoris and started to rub. My clitoris was responding to the sensations of the cool tiles and the hot water in succession and I was not dripping with my own bodily fluids.

I flung my head back, squeezing one breast, my breathing deepening as I rubbed my clitoris, already feeling my orgasm building.

I lathered my hand in my juices further and pressed four fingers along the length of my lips and pulled them up an inch or two, increasing the speed of the grinding and I pressed my fingers back down as my arousal heightened.

My moans got louder,

"augh FUCK-" I whimpered as I felt myself coming close to the edge

"MMmmm shi- FU..." I rubbed harder as I felt my body twitch as I drove myself over the edge, my legs began to shake vigorously as I felt the ecstasy waved through me. OK NOW i feel more ready for the day.

I took a few moments to gather myself before washing my long dark hair with my coconut shampoo and conditioner. Scrubbed my body with some vanilla shower gel, being careful not to rub my pussy too hard as it was feeling sensitive. Once I was clea, I turned the shower off and grabbed my towel off the hook just outside of the shower door and stepped out.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a red cute light jumpsuit with flowy sleeves and a white cardigan to go over it. I wanted my feet to be comfy as i knew there would be a lot of walking included trying to find our way to classes today, so i went for the safe option and added my converse sneakers to the outfit.

I looked in the mirror and nodded. Comfort and style.

"Bella your pancakes, come on dude we gotta get ready to go now" kristen shouted from the kitchen.

"shit, Coming" i replied as i grabbed my bag with my books and notebook in left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen.

"Well well well, don't you scrub up well after a shower miss Hughes!" Kristen started clapping.

I laughed. "Shut up punk"
I playfully digged Kristen in the arm.

"But seriously, can i borrow that outfit at some point? It looks so good"

"Yeah sure, what's mine is yours kristen"

"And visa versa. Love you. Here, eat. We're going to be late if we dont get going soon."

"Here, you drive while i eat" i threw the keys at kristen

"Gotcha! Oh yeah, the university has a therapist down the road from the campus and apparently hes really good at what he does. I was talking to chris this morning and he gave me his number. I've written it down for you so when youre ready, you can give him a call" Kristen slides the piece of paper towards me

"Thanks, ill give it a call later maybe" i whisper the maybe thinking Kristen doesn't hear, but she does.

"Bella, you know you have to do this. I cant watch my best friend go through that painful process all over again don't do it for me. Do it for yourself" she smiles

"Okok, come on we need to go" i point to the door with the sandwich in my hand trying to get off this depressing subject that is my life.

Kristen sighs and we walk out the house, locking the door behind us. Kristen unlocks the door with the electric key and I walk round towards the passenger seat.

"ready girl?" Kristen looks over to me with hopeful eyes

"as ill ever be, lets gooooo! I point towards the front window with one hand and turn on the radio with the other. Kristen turns the car on, reverses out of the drive and starts to drive down the road. Here we go. Another chapter.

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