chapter five- putting the voice to the face

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As the time grew closer to seeing the therapist, my nerves grew stronger.

Where am i going to start? Will i cry? Will i actually be able to talk to a stranger about all of these things? My parents? The grief? The nightmares?

I shook it off. Of course i will. Thats what the therapist is there for.

I tried to distract myself from it all and started thinking of the man from earlier, twiddling one piece of hair around my index finger. I could not shake the thought of his face away from my thoughts.

The way his eyes met mine and made me smile. No stranger has made me smile like that, not only on the outside, but the inside too.

His face was friendly, the way he smiled was comforting, almost home like. As if id met this man before. Maybe in my dreams. Maybe he only exists in my dreams. Maybe it was a dream.

"Turn left and walk for a further 200ft" the voice for the satnav filled my ears through my earphones and snapped me right back to reality.

The sun started to shine through the clouds, bringing a warm summers heat onto my body that brought me to a calmness. I took my jacket off and hung it over my arm, placing one hand inside of my jeans pocket.

I was beginning to feel a little more confident. Feeling more relaxed, it was definitely the way the sun was beaming on my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, soaking in the afternoon air.

"Your destination is on your right" the satnav said, beeping afterwards.

All of a sudden i began to feel tense again as i looked up to see a pair of large brass gates. I looked around and found a buzzer so i pressed it and waited for the gates to open

"Hello may i help you" a woman's voice came from the speaker

"Hello, Yes im here to see Mr Jackson" i put my mouth close to where i presumed the mic was.

Then i heard a beep, and the brass gates began to open inwards.

Watching the gates open, i started walking forward and widened my eyes at what appeared before me.

I could see big trees that had probably been stood there, tall for a hundred years, their branches full of leaves and life as i watched birds flying to and from other trees. I could hear their tweeting, which sounded song like, bringing music to my ears as i took out my earphones, almost like they were in perfect harmony with one another.

Flowers of all colours and sizes blowing in the summer breeze, Dancing together happily. I took another deep breath in and tried to process all the different smells that came with it.

The path was long, but by no means frightening.

As the path turned a corner i noticed a building. For some reason i expected it to look like a medievil castle or a scary house with dull colours and vines growing around dull painted windows.

But this building was the complete opposite.

The building was wide, and had large see through glass windows and freshly painted window ledges. The door was a soft grey colour, but not dull. It was mainly windows, with 2 doors either side of the building, I looked left to right. It looked all opened up and spacious. And you could see the light reflecting through the windows, off tall pillars with fancy vases filled with freshly picked flowers standing tall and strong on top of them. They were in almost every window. Except one.

That window was the only window that was covered by, if i squinted, looked like blinds. And the blinds looked black. The window was slightly open so i could see the blinds moving slightly to the rhythm of the slow wind.

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