chapter five part 2- Its Her

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*Mr Jacksons POV*

I stand at the window, waiting patiently for the end of the day to come around. Jhee this day has been slow as hell. The only thing that made it worth it was seeing that beautiful girl earlier down town.

I look at my watch. Its 3:56pm. I pace up and down the room fiddling with my hair, my thoughts carrying me away to the burger shack at earlier on's events, waiting patiently for my client that is due to arrive any moment.

I pull the blind away from the window, as a few rays of the sun creep through and place their warmth on my face. I take a deep breath, ready for another session.

I place the blind back down and walk over to the phone as it begins to ring.

I pick up the phone and on the other end is my secretary

"Mr Jackson. Your client Isabella Hughes is here. Im sending her through in a second" the secretary says

"Thats great thank you, yes send her in"

I hang up the phone. I straighten my tie and button up the sleeves on my shirt which were just a moment ago rolled up. I walk over to the window and push it open a bit more and turn the fan onto setting 1 to let a light cool breeze through the room.

I take a second glanse at my watch. 3:59pm.

I hope my client knows which room to come to. This building is a big place and everything looks the same. I couldnt wait to finish work at 5pm. I wanted to go home and read the book that id purchased earlier from a book store that id never been to before.

I had a first choice book, but when i went to pick it up i noticed a woman grab it at the same time and i ended up touching her hand, completely on accident. I offered it to her instead but my second choice book looks good.

*door knocks*

"Ah that will be my client" i said under my breath and began walking towards the door.

I turned the door handle and got ready to welcome my client

As i had fully opened the door i looked ahead and saw the most mesmerizing woman id seen.

I looked down to analyse her and noticed she was dressed very casually in white converse, her oversized jeans were rolled up at the bottom to the ankle, they were a pale blue colour and had small rips in them and she dressed the jeans with a black belt with a small circular buckle that looked very similar to mine.

Her top was a little baggy. Tucked in at the waist into her jeans and it was a grey colour. Not too dark but not too light. A mid grey.

As i analysed further i saw a pendant around her neck of a sunflower.

And her face. Oh my her face had the most beautiful flow but looked a little flushed. Her cheeks were rosy and looked warm but not sweaty. Her lips had a natural colour to them like a reddish pink but a colour that could not be accomplished with lipstick, no. hers were definitely natural.

As she looked up she showed her long black eyelashes that were fluttering away, it showed that she was moving her eyes around while looking down. Our eyes met once again, and It made my body quiver.

Her hair was the most complimenting colour of brown, but not dull. It looked soft and well looked after. The sun coming in from the window behind gave her golden highlights. There were two strands of hair that fell perfectly down each side of her cheeks, wavy and soft looking.

This was the girl from the university this morning!

I mean, how could i forget, when she had caught my attention down the coridoor earlier this morning at the university, and again at the burger shack. What were the chances.

Could this also be the same girl from the book store? Surely not. We went for the same book. I touched her hand as we both leant in to grab it. Could it be?

I remember the touch of her hand and how it felt like silk. So soft and healthy.

I coughed an "excuse me" cough to get her attention as she looked as if she was miles away, stood with her gorgeous brown eyes latched onto mine.

Id thought of this woman ever since that first meeting earlier on and For some reason i just couldnt shake the thought of her.

But now, standing in front of me. That same woman that had been in my thoughts all afternoon.

Its her

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