chapter three- The first day

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I let down my window to let the summer breeze do as it pleases with my hair. I just want to feel free for a moment. In silence. I rest my head on my arm as the sun kisses my olive skin and hits my honey brown eyes, making them look like theyre glowing.

I look at all the trees swaying their leaf covered branches side to side and the wild flowers coming to bloom from the bright green grass. We really don't deserve nature do we.

"What are you smiling at bella?" Kristen questions while flicking through the radio channels.

"Just admiring the beauty of today" i turn to her slightly.

"You do love nature huh?" She laughs

"Hell yeah i do. Look how beautiful it i..."

Kristen cuts me off
"We're hereee!"

"Oh yay" i sarcastically throw my hands in the air as the smile begins to leave my face. The feeling of feeling content quickly leaves my body and im overcome with worry. What if I hate it? What if everyone hates me?

Kristen reverse parks into a space in the middle of the carpark and turns the engine off.

"Listen, it wont be so bad. Go in with an open mind. Who knows, you might even enjoy it" she nudges me with her shoulder.
"Now come on, lets get to our first class. We're right on time"

We got out of the car and picked up our stuff out of the boot and looked around us.

"Its bigger than i thought it would be. How are we going to find our way around this place?! Its huge!" I say spreading my arms out doing a 180 turn to face Kristen.

Kristen puts her arm under and over mine and leads the way.

Walking through the corridoors to get to our class it felt like they were never ending, like they just went on for miles. I had to be careful where I stepped, the corridoors were full of people. From all walks of life. We could be anyone we wanted to be here. Nobody knew who we were.

I look behind me and see so many people like me and kristen, looking around for their classes. We all look! I have to keep remembering that im not the only one starting here, not knowing anybody, apart from kristen of course, but maybe it wont be so bad after all

"Ooh! Hey be careful!" Someone barges into my right shoulder and i turn around to see where the deep voice comes from, but the person is already too far behind me walking with fast feet. He looks like hes in a hurry. But the smell of him caught me.

I could almost feel it in my nostrils. It smelt delicious. A musky heavenly aromatic smell filled my nose and lingered, I took another deep breath in through my nose, just to get a stronger smell. I could almost taste it in my throat. It was devine.

"wow, My so sorry!" A sweet apologetic voice shouts from down the corridoor without turning round, he just puts his hand up and begins jogging.

I stared at him. Analysing him like time had suddenly slowed down. His suit was blue. Not a bright blue, but more like a navy, and his jacket didnt look like it was done up as i could see the sides moving as if it wasnt hugging his body like one would if it was buttoned. and he had black curly hair in a low pony tail that fell so elegantly down his upper back. His shoes, maybe loafers making a click clacking sound as he majestically jogged down the corridoor.

"Hello! Earth to bella! This is our class" Kristen clicks her fingers in front of my face

I shake my head. "Oh, this one here. Ok"

"girl, you really gotta pay attention to where you're going or you'll either get lost or knock someone off their feet... or maybe they'll knock you off YOUR feet" she giggled to me, dragging me through the door.

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