chapter six- The First Session

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*bellas POV*

What are the chances, huh?

"" i stutter, bringing out my hand from my side

"Isabella Hughes, correct?" He takes my hand and shakes it, gently

"Bella. Please, call me Bella" i half smile with a slight shrug

"Yes of course, delighted to meet you Bella. Im Mr Jackson" he smiles back, still shaking my hand.

We made eye contact. Staring into each others eyes. His eyes reminded me of the sweetest chocolate. Rich and soft, wide and bold. yet warm and welcoming. I could stare into them all day. My eyes scanned quick and thorough. he had jet black curly hair with half of it scraped back into a loose pony with one curl bouncing beautifully over one eye.

Mr Jackson cleared his throat deeply

", shall we? Please, come in" we break eye contact after a few seconds and he makes the hand gesture to welcome me into his 'office'

"Please, take a seat" Mr Jackson leads me to a sofa.

As i sit, i take a look around the room. Its not how i expected a therapists room to look. When i thought of the therapy room before, i pictured a dark room with two wooden barely padded chairs sitting a metre apart, and little to no soft furnishings.

But this room was bright, with a light grey very cushioned large sofa, canvases hanging on the walls and light coming through the big window hitting one side of Mr Jacksons face complimenting his smooth caramel complexion. A side table with wild flowers on top of it in a marble vase in between two comfy looking chairs. It felt homely. Like a living room. Not what i expected at all.

As i sunk into the sofa, i began to feel relaxed and comfortable

Mr Jackson sat back in one of the chairs and crossed his legs, placing one hand into the other upon his knee.

"So Miss H..." he began

"Bella" i corrected him.

"sorry, Bella. My mistake. listen, Id like you to feel as comfortable as you can be with me ok. So, ill introduce myself, tell you what i do etc and then maybe you can tell me a but about yourself. Does that sound alright to you?" Mr Jackson has given me eye contact from the moment i walked into the room, i couldn't take my eyes off this man. admiring his beauty as the sun shone through the window to kiss his cheeks.

I nodded, putting my hands on my knees

"Ok, so, my name is Mr Jackson as you already know and i am a psychology therapist, again as you already know. And i help people deal with any issues and trained to study human behavior and mental processes..."

I raise my eyebrow, now feeling a little confused

Mr Jackson lets out a giggle and puts his index finger onto his lips and strokes them a little side to side

"By the look on your face Bella youre a little confused. Would you like me to explain?"

"Erm, yes please. Sorry" i smile, shyly rubbing the back of my head.

"Dont be sorry, it was silly of me to use the more complex explaination. A therapist, or a psychotherapist, is a licensed mental health professional who helps clients improve their lives, develop better cognitive and emotional skills, reduce symptoms of mental illness. Thats me. What im here to do Bella, ill do my best to help you through what ever you might be going through and to help you gather a better understanding of how to deal with these issues and try, with you, to come up with ways to overcome these things, ok?" Mr Jackson leans in, and places a hand on top of mine on my knee.

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