1 - I won't say I am in love

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Disclaimer: English is not my first language and I am not a native so sorry for any kind of grammar errors. You guys can always write in the comments if there are any mistakes and then I can correct them . I will be using google transalator so transalating can be faster but I will also try to check if the sentences still make sense with it ...ok now to the actual chapter....sorry for rambling 😂

Sunset's P.O.V
It was two in the morning when I was lying on my bed. Every now and then I wondered how stupid you have to be to know that you have school tomorrow and go to bed so late anyway, but I wasn't going to sleep yet because I was still waiting for a message from Twilight. This may seem strange, because who normally sends texts at this time? For some reason Twilight quite often chose late hours to write to me about something that troubles her. She still felt a little uncomfortable in our group and I felt responsible for changing this state of things. After all, if it wasn't for the pony equivalent of Sci-Twi, I would never have met mane 6 or got to know the magic of friendship ... well that sounded super cheesy, but that was the truth. I've been lonely for most of my high school life. I ruled the school and it seemed to me that it was all I needed it in my life ... but I was wrong. When Twilight Sparkle came to this world , she changed my life forever and sometimes I had the impression that I would never be able to repay her enough. That's why I thought that helping Sci-Twi's was my great chance for redemption. Sometimes she seemed so lost around us, as if she didn't know what to say ... it's hard to be surprised if for most of her life her only friend was her dog! Yes I know ... sad but true. The sound of the message ripped me out of my thoughts. I turned towards my bedside table, turned on the lamp and reached for the telephone. I saw the name Twilight appear on the screen.

Twilight 🤓:
Hi Sunset ... are you sleeping?

I smiled silly to myself replying to this message:
Sunset: No, I'm waiting for a message from you ...
Twilight 🤓:
Oh... sorry I didn't mean to disturb you
No, nothing happened. This is has became our small ritual already;) Twilight 🤓:
You're sorta right about this 😂
So...what is up?
Twilight 🤓:
Sunset ... are you friends with me just because I'm like Princess Twilight?

Sunset frowned.
Sunset: Why would u ever think that Twily?

Twilight 🤓:
Well...it is just that I just sometimes think about it and then it seems to me that you may indeed think of me as someone I am not ... and I will never be able to be.

Twilight, you are yourself! And you are amazing, ok ?! Never think that we will expect you to be like Twilight from that dimension. We like you for who you are and not for who she is ... do you understand? 🤗

Twilight 🤓:
Thanks for telling me that Sunset .... I needed to hear something like this.

You're welcome. You can always count on me 😁

Twilight 🤓: 😄

Sunset: ;)

Twilight 🤓:
It's a little late ... Maybe we can talk more at school tomorrow?

Sunset snorted when she saw what hour it was ... typical Twilight.

Sunset: Yes, it's probably a good idea. Goodnight Twilight 🌃

Twilight 🤓: Good night Sunset ... Sweet dreams ♥ ️

Sunset: To you too 😌

I put the my phone on the bedside table , smiling stupidly to myself and suddenly I felt very good, as if I was full of energy ... I hope that someday I will have have such a chat with Twilight in real life ... Go to sleep, moron! You know that you and Twilight are only friends ...
Just you wait- said a small voice in her head, which Sunset decided to ignore for the moment ... She turned aside and fell asleep, wishing Twilight one more time, but this time in her mind: sweet dreams.

Oh man, it's really funny to write ff after such a long time, it feels kinda weird but it's kinda cool too ... I didn't expect this chapter to be so long. Let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments. Also I hope it is not really hard to read I transalated most of it with google but had to change some stuff along the way so it would sound better or make more sense...I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways. It is the first time I am writing a ff in english.
Best whishes RavenHuffle !! ♥ ️

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