15 - princess Twilight's arrival

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The last chapter was all way too cheesy so in the next chapter there will be some drama 😂
Just for the balance. Overall, we're heading closer to the end of this ff and it may be the penultimate chapter, but we'll see yet. Anyways enjoy ... or not haha

Sunset's P.O.V
Eventually it turned out that Twilight stayed with me for the night because it was getting late and I didn't want her to come home alone at night. Nothing unpleasant ever happened to me, but sometimes some shady and suspicious guys were in this area, so I didn't want to expose Twi to any harm from them.
- So I understand that we will sleep in the same bed? - She asked, tucking an unruly strand behind her ear with a shy smile.

- Well I guess so - I laughed - we slept together before we were together, so I don't see why we shouldn't do that now

"T- that was different" Twi blushed, slowly walking up the stairs.

- Oh really? I raised one eyebrow. I loved to tease her.

"Shut up and go to bed," Twi muttered, pausing for a moment, unsure of my reaction to these words.

"Yes, sir." I stood straighter and saluted, and we both bursted out laughing. We are acting like total kids ...

Twi was the first one to enter my room. She took her pajamas out of her backpack and stood awkwardly in place staring at me and at the door.

- Should I change here? - she asked a bit confused.

- Umm, I can change to the bathroom if you want - I suggested quickly, because I didn't want her to feel awkward and I wasn't ready to see her in bra and panties or worse ... without them. I chased these thoughts away quickly and without waiting for her answer, I ran out of my room, pajamas in hand. I changed quickly, figuring I was going to shower tomorrow morning. After a while I left the bathroom and knocked on my room's door.

- You can come in now Sunset! - I heard on the other side at which I smiled and slowly entered the room. Of course, Twi must have had a purple pajamas with astronomical themes.

I slowly sat down on the edge of my bed and patted the seat next to me. Twilight sat down next to me and slowly rolled over to the other side of the bed. I slipped under the covers and she did the same. Her bare feet tickled mine under the covers. She was laying on her side with her back turned towards to me.

- Twily ... you know I don't bite?- I said softly and she turned towards me and wrapped her arms around me, and I smiled. She layed her head on my chest.

"Sweet dreams Sunset" she muttered sleepily.

"Sweet dreams Twi " I replied and kissed her forehead before we both fell asleep. _______________________________________ The next morning when I woke up, Twilight was still clinging to me. Her head was under my chin and her hands cupped my stomach. I slowly got out of her grip, my stomach rumbling. She looked so sweet when she was sleeping.
It was practically the only moment when you could see her without glasses and with her hair down.
I went downstairs quietly, so as not to wake her, and started making breakfast for us. After about 20 minutes, the food was ready.
I put the pancakes on two plates and went upstairs to wake Twi.
I tiptoed into my room. Twilight was still asleep. I walked over to her and leaned over her and suddenly she opened her eyes and screamed:

- Surprise !

I jumped back and fell on the floor while she laughed. I stood up, glaring at her angrily , massaging my butt.

- Twilight! Why would you do thay to me?- I groaned shaking my head.

"I did that because you were trying to scare me" she replied smugly and got up from the bed stretching. I rolled my eyes and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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