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You have got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I have ever dreamed of
Ooooh oooh you've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above.
A little Mariah Carey tribute because she is a legend and this song is iconic imo. Well it is definietly a bop.

Twilight's P.O.V ( 2 time xd)
I woke up before Sunset. I was glad that she agreed to fall asleep next to me last night. She was still hugging me. Her left hand was on my stomach and her face was snuggled into my neck. I tried not to move, not to wake her and let us stay like this as long as possible. Satisfied, I sighed and then I realised that the girls were sleeping next to us in their sleeping bags. There was no chance that they would not notice that we were sleeping in the same sleeping bag.

Oops ...

Because of that I wanted to wake up fiery-haired girl but on the other hand she looked cute when she was sleeping and I didn't want to do it.

Whatever will happen we are all in this together. ( we areee alll in this togeeeether xd-author)

I closed my eyes and felt Sunset move. She still didn't take her hand from my stomach or face from the hollow of my neck.
"Hey Twilight," she murmured sleepily.

"Hey," I murmured shyly.

-How long have you been awake?- she asked.

"Just a moment," I replied. - Thanks for yesterday.

"You're welcome," said Sunset, "the pleasure is all-."

She seemed to realize that it would sound a bit strange, so she paused and laughed nervously, and I laughed too. "Are  the girls sleeping?" She asked suspiciously.

"I don't know ... I think so"
I answered, and then I heard something moving in Pinkie's sleeping bag and suddenly its owner jumped out of it.

"Hey girls" she whisper-yelled when she saw that we were sleeping in the same sleeping bag, and Sunset slightly moved away from me.

"Hey," we replied simultaneously.

- Did I miss something?- The pink-haired girl giggled, and I felt myself blush, and Sunset's cheeks turned the color of her hair.

- NO ! -We shouted at once and probably woke up the rest of the girls with this scream.

"Twilight had nightmares, so I came to her to help her fall asleep," Sunset explained quickly, slowly sitting up in her sleeping bag and looking at Pinkie.

- Okay, okay - the pink-haired girl laughed - You don't have to explain yourselves to me - she shrugged and went to the kitchen.

- What's happening ? - I heard Rainbow's hoarse voice from her sleeping bag.

"Nothing," Pinkie murmured from the kitchen, "only Sunset and Twi were sleeping together in the same sleeping bag ... nothing is happening here"

"Oh," Dash said slowly, but she didn't comment on the situation, which was not her style, but it was possible that her brain was not at full speed because of an early hour. She didn't seem like an early bird.
After a few moments, the rest of the girls also woke up, so Sunset slowly left my sleeping bag, wanting to avoid awkward questions from our friends. She stretched slowly and headed towards her backpack.

* time skip *
We all changed clothes, we brushed our teeth and ate breakfast.
And then we watched some movie on Netflix.
I did this with my head resting on Sunset's shoulder. I wasn't afraid to do that since we slept right next to each other last night ... and it was wonderful. I haven't slept so well in a long time and for the first time in a long time I haven't had any nightmares with Midnight Sparkle. The girls noticed that I was holding my head on the shoulder of the fiery-haired girl, but they ignored it.

After about two hours it was 3pm, so the sleepover was slowly coming to an end.
Slowly, the girls began to get ready to leave. I said goodbye to Pinkie and the other girls, and then an idea came to my mind.
So I went to Sunset to ask her something:
"Hey," I started, and the girl turned her blue-green iris on me, which pierced me through at such moments - I was wondering if I could walk you home because in the end we live nearby. We're going practically the same way.

"Yeah ,why not" said Sunset, "just let me say  goodbye to the rest, okay?"

"Sure," I agreed and waited next to the door with my hands in my skirt's pockets.
When Sunset said goodbye to the girls, we left Pinkie's house and headed towards hers.

"It is really nice of you that you decided to walk me home," Sunset said, smiling.

- I like you, so if I have the opportunity to spend more time with you, I will use it - I thought it sounded better in my head. Now I feel like I am desperate.

- So you like me, huh?- Sunset elbowed me while wiggling her eyebrows.
"Shut up" I murmured, we looked at each other and we burst into  laughter.
After a while, Sunset linked our arms. I gave her a surprised look at what she just shrugged. My heart started beating a little faster. I felt a bit like we were a couple, even though it wasn't like that. For the rest of the way we talked about everything and nothing until we finally reached the house of Sunset.
We stopped.
"Thanks again for walking me home" she said.
- You're welcome - I smiled slightly and wrapped my arms around her neck. Sunset was slightly surprised by what I did, but after a while she returned my embrace. She put her hands on my waist. We stayed like that for a while and then moved away from each other.
"I'm going to go," I said, looking at the pavement.
"Okay," Sunset said slowly, and then she surprised me again.
She leaned slightly towards me and quickly kissed my cheek and then fled to her house, slamming the door.
My heart started beating very fast and my cheeks turned red. I touched the place where Sunset kissed me and smiled silly to myself.
Funny that she ran away after that. Typical Sunset ...
After a while, I felt like a  creep because I was standing outside  her house all this time so I went towards mine still analyzing what had just happened.

Word count: 1056

​​I hope you liked this quite long chapter it took me a while to write it :) Don't forget to vote and let me know your thoughts in the comments.
I wish you a nice weeke and  a lotta health and see you in the next chapter byeee !!! 💖💖💖

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