Becoming a stranger again- ch. three

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Lucy's pov:
"I'm sorry... I'M SORRY!! I COULN'T PROTECT THEM!" He bawled into my shoulder and sobbed loudly. I tried to calm him down. It worked a bit, but nothing I can say can change this and I know that. I just hate to see him so hurt. "It's not your fault.. it's not your fault Brett." I whisper into his ear as I shed a few tears myself.

I hear Mira zipping up the luggage and whisper into to Brett's ear again. "Go pack your stuff up. We're leaving" he picked his head up off my shoulder and looked at me shocked. He put me down gently. "What? N-no! I can't leave! This is my home-" I stop him. "I KNOW THAT BRETT! TRUST ME! I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS GETTING RIPPED OUT OF A HOME YOU'VE LIVED IN FOR SO LONG! Trust me.. I know! It hurts more then anything, but would you rather stay here and risk them coming back and killing you or would you rather live!" He looked at me shocked. "I got ripped out from my home a long time ago. My father forced me out of his heart. He shut me out. His heart was my home. I felt safe at home, but things change Brett."

I reach my hand out waiting for his response. He hesitantly took my hand and I smiled. I look back at Mira. "I'll be right back. I'm going to help him pack." She nods and I grip Brett's hand and run out of my room.

We run straight for Brett's room and once we get there I open the door and immediately start going threw his closet. "I hope you have a suitcase." I say as I have at least 15 shirts and 3 pants draped over my arm already. "I do." He walks away and comes back with his suitcase. "Here you go." I start to throw his stuff into the suitcase. Once I was done I stood up quickly. "Whatever else you need grab it. Where is Nova?" He looked me in the eyes. "In her room. I can hel-" I cut him off "No it's fine. Just focus on yourself for now. Meet up back in my room alright?" He nods and I run out of his room and straight for Nova's.

I burst through the door to see her sitting up in her bed. She looks at me with wide eyes. "Lucy?" I smile brightly and run to her "NOVA!" I hug her and then grab her shoulders. "Your suitcase! Where is your suitcase?" She points to her closet and I instantly run to it. I open her closet door and run inside quickly. I find her suitcase and start to through all of her things inside. I then heard her calling out for me. "Lucy, what on earth are you doing?!" I don't stop packing her things, but I respond simply. "We are all leaving. We are going to California. You, Keely, Hadly, me, Brett, Mira, and Erza. The others will be joining us there soon." There was silence for a minute then I heard her say something that broke my heart into a million pieces. "Lucy, where is Natsu? Is he ok? Is he safe? I'm shocked he is not with you helping." I was quite for a second then responded. "I... I don't know where he is. I'm sure he'll join us in California."

I walked out of her closet with her suitcase trailing behind me. "Why not now?! Why isn't he with us now?!" She protested back. "Nova- I- he- I don't know ok? I don't know." A few tears rolled down my cheeks at just the thought of him being... dead. I shake my head and wipe the tears away. I look to Nova sternly. "I'll be right back. I'm taking your luggage to my room. Brett will come get you." I was about to run out just Nova yelled me name. "LUCY! Please! DON'T LEAVE ME! I'm scared!" I look back at her and flash her a sweet smile. "I promise, Nova." She calms down a little bit and I run out.

I get to my room to already see Erza, Mira, Keely, Hadly, and Brett there. I put Nova's stuff with the others and grab Brett's wrist quickly. "Come one! We gotta go get Nova!" He nods and as we run out of my room I tell the others to hurry and put our stuff in the car.

We get back to Nova's room and she was still sitting in the same spot. Brett quickly picks her up and I grab her crutches. By the time we got to her room the others should already be at the car. So we run past my room and down the stairs. Nova screams in fear as she sees all of her friends dead. Brett covered her eyes as she sobbed loudly and cried. We go through the open doors and see everyone at the car.

We run straight for the car until we started to hear gunshots. A bullet hit the ground in front of me, Brett, and Nova. He acted quickly and picked me up as well, moving me away from the stop I was standing in. Not even a second after he moved me another bullet the ground. Everything froze for a second. Brett was looking around from where in came from.

In one spot in the woods he narrowed his eyes and jumped back while still holding Nova and I. We were both crying, Brett stayed focused, and all the others were yelling at us to get into the car. "Brett! Head for the car now!" I yelled and he ignored me. He continued to stay focused on that one spot. He set me and Nova down gently on the ground. We looked at him confused. "Erza! YOUR GUN!" She nodded and tossed him her gun from the car. He took no time to cock it and then


Everything was silent again. No one moved. I looked around to see everyone ok. I look back to where the person was in the woods. He came stumbling out holding his stomach. Blood pooled out of his stomach and blood streamed from his mouth. My eyes widen in horror and I covered my mouth with both of my hands. I quickly stood up and began to cry even harder.



(This idea was given to me by fairytail_for_two )

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