Becoming a stranger again- ch. eight

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Posting this today instead of last Friday cause I didn't have it done 😅

Lucy pov:
I sit down at the desk and pick up the pencil next to the blank papers. I stare at the paper before putting the pencil right on top of it. I stay there, still for a moment. My mind racing with creative thoughts. One soon stayed put in my mind as my hand started to move and I started to write.

It was about a girl who was an orphan. Her parents had passed away right in front of her, They got caught in a fire as their house was burning down. They were going to leave her behind on purpose so that they could live. I spaced out and just began to write like it was nothing. It felt like no time at all went by, but in reality 5 hours have went by. I heard a knock on my door and I jumped from getting startled. I turn around and look at the door. "Come in."

Hadly walked in with a kind smile. "Hello Lucy, dinner is almost ready." She says as she walks over to my closet. She picks out an outfit for me and lays it out on my bed. My eyes slightly widen as I looked over at my clock. It was already 8:00 pm. I can not believe how late it is. I looked back to Hadly and nodded. "Ok, thank you. I'll be there soon." she walks out as I stand up from where I was sitting.

I walk over to my bed and look at the outfit. It was the same outfit I was wearing the day I met Natsu. I smiled and grazed my fingers over it. It was just a plain white button up shirt, a white skirt, and hand knitted pink cardigan that my mother knitted me for when I grew up. She knew she wouldn't live long enough to see me as a teen or an adult.

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I change into the outfit before heading down stairs to the dining room

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I change into the outfit before heading down stairs to the dining room. I walk in to see Mira, Erza, Bixlow, and Laxus. They all look at me with warm smiles. I walk over and sit next to Erza before everyone joined us at different times.

Hadley and Keely brought out our food before sitting down and eating with us. We all had different conversations and it was really nice. Everything was just so loving and welcoming that you could feel it from another room.

Soon after we all got done eating we excused ourselves one by one before heading back to our rooms or some other places. I headed back to my room to continue writing. I sat down and reread everything I had gotten done so far before continuing it. Once again I got lost in my thoughts while writing and I was unaware that someone was watching me.

I felt hands place themselves on my shoulders and I jump in fear. My heart was racing like crazy. I look back to see Levy reading my story over my shoulder. My face turned red as I quickly cover the papers. She let out a little laugh as she backed up a few feet away. "Wow Lu-chan! I didn't know you were such an amazing writer! Please let me read it!" She begged. I laugh nervously before putting the pages in order.

"Thank you Levy, but it's not finished yet. How about when I'm done you can be the first to read it. Before anyone else." I smile after calming down. She jumps up in excitement before stating she couldn't wait for me to be done so that she could read it. She stayed in my room for awhile as we passed ideas back and forth about the book after I told her what it's about and where I was. It was actually pretty fun to be able to throw around book ideas like that.

It was near midnight and we were both really tired so we said our goodnights as she left to go back to her room. I yawn and look down at all the organized pages. There were a completed total of 8 chapters now. Before Levy came in I was only on chapter 3. I guess writing gets done faster when you have someone to help you.

I stand up and walk over to my closet. I open it and walk in. I was looking for some pajamas so I could go to sleep. When I finally found some I change into them and head to my bed. I roll my covers back before engulfing myself in them. It was so warm and comfortable, before I knew it I was passed out.

No ones POV:

Lucy walked over to the beach as the wind blew lightly through her hair. She gave a small smile before closing her eyes to take in the air. She relaxed her body, walking closer to the water and as on cue the water gently passed her feet before retreating back. Her white dress was in sync with the wind. The whole scenery just looked like it was straight out of a Fairy Tale.

Out of nowhere Lucy's name was being called by a really familiar voice. She turned around expecting it to be Gray or Brett, but who she was face to face with put her into complete shock and she gasped. Natsu was standing right there, just a few inches away from her. Realization hit her as he grinned his normal toothy grin. "Hey, Luce!"

Lucy quickly grabbed his hand and stared to inspect it. She pinched his arm and he flinched. "Ouch! what was that for Luce? You are supposed to pinch yourself not me." He let out a small chuckle as she started pinched herself a few times, but she felt nothing. She looked up at him quickly with worried eyes. "Natsu? I can't feel the pinches. Why cant I feel them?" She started to panic and started to grasp the situation. He repositioned their hands to where he is holding her hand now as he looked deeply into her eyes. "Lucy..." he paused for a second before.....


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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