06: 六

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Seokmin almost fainted on sight, but Soonyoung lightly pats his face to keep him awake. Jeonghan, who refuses to believe the ravenette's words shakes his head, "Y—You're joking! You have to be!"

"Why would Seungcheol joke about this?" Mingyu questions, it seemed as if the humans needed a bit more time to comprehend and accept the words of truths. "I'm Mingyu! The fifth oldest of the group. Or..third youngest." The introduction was unexpected as Jihoon and Joshua give him a disappointed look.

"We're doing introductions?" Hansol didn't understand what they were really doing, Seungcheol basically cleared up the biggest point but where was he going from there? "I'm Hansol!"

"It's sad that demons are hot," Jeonghan mutters, still holding his best friends close. Wonwoo facepalms immediately after hearing the oldest's words.

"I know, such a shame," Jun replies, though Jeonghan's tone was soft he still caught his statement. Jihoon then shoves the taller boy to knock it off, "what! I know you heard that. Besides, he's going all googly eye on Seungcheol,"

"I'm sorry about them, but we need to clear something up. You weren't supposed to discover this place, nor us. If we release you and figure out that one of you snitched about our hideout. We might need to punish you." Seungcheol then states, trailing away from the side conversations. "But, we don't know if you'll keep the promise of not saying a word."

"Yeah, blondie here can't shut up for two seconds," Jihoon comments, pointing to Soonyoung. If he wasn't a demon, Soonyoung would have slapped the shit out of him by now.

Minghao regained the strength to sit up, he leans against Jeonghan's body to keep himself stable. "So..what's the catch? What do we need to do to get out of here alive?"

Seungcheol caresses his temples, he really didn't know what the best route was. But, the demons needed to invest themselves in their individual lives to ensure that they wouldn't tell a soul. "Killing them is out of the picture," He reminds himself once more, "I hate to say this. But, since there are six of you here. There are six of us coincidentally, meaning we're going to look after you all for the time being."

Joshua steps away from the older boy, squinting his eyes and leaning forward as he believed he misheard Seungcheol. "I'm sorry..what?"

"Wouldn't that put us in more danger?" Hansol questions, "We're basically going to be following a human during the day?"

"Yeah won't you guys like, burn?" Seungkwan questions, but Jihoon rolls his eyes,

"We're demons, not vampires. Our bodies won't burn in the sun, though it is gross to go outside we prefer being in a more dimer area."

"How is this a good solution to any of us? It'll be a hassle?" Mingyu pokes to the oldest, but the ravenette shushes him. Seungcheol continues on with his explanation,

"I'm assigning one of us to each of you," As he points to the mortal teens, "for the next month, we'll be watching over you and this may end sooner if I come to the conclusion that you all will keep your word of not saying anything."

"And..what if we do?" Wonwoo wanted to hear all the terms and conditions, there had to be some fatal consequence if one of them made a silly mistake.

Seungcheol didn't want to come to this, but it was the only way to scare them off if it had to go this far, "We'll kill whoever ratted us out."

Jeonghan gulps, one of his best friends dying? He wouldn't allow it, "Okay..just a month right? We can't say anything, that's it correct?"

Seungcheol nods his head, "Correct. One month, no words of us demons said and we'll let you go forever. Pretending we never met you."

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