16: 十六

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"Why are they staring at me?" Hansol nudges Seungkwan as he there was rising discomfort due to the gawking eyes. The brunette swore that each person they passed tried to hide their pointing index fingers and whispers, but, Hansol caught them all with his inhumane senses. "Is it because I'm new?"

Seungkwan shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, most likely." The answer reassures Hansol as he didn't want anyone to think poorly of him so soon, "but, it seems like we have every single class together except for choir. You have dance and I'm assuming Chan did something to ensure we were stuck together."

"Well, that makes things better. That way I'm not lost throughout the day." Hansol lets out a relieved sigh and keeps close to Seungkwan as more students seemed to flood in from the opposite direction. "Why are they running?" As the chestnut-haired boy points to the girls who scramble down the hall.

Seungkwan and he turn their heads back at the same time, Hansol's perfect eyesight was able to catch them running towards a familiar male and all he can do is roll his eyes. "Of course, I'm not even surprised," But, Seungkwan was squinting as he tried to focus his vision to capture what was going on. "don't worry, it's just Mingyu attracting everyone. That's probably annoying to him."

"Maybe that means he'll be able to make friends easier," Seungkwan tries to point out, but Hansol scrunches his nose and shakes his head while at it, "why the negative response?"

"Gives him bad flashbacks to when he was young supposedly, I can't say much since it's not my place to tell his story. Sorry if the information is too vague."

Seungkwan slaps the air shortly, "No, it's fine. I don't want to butt into someone's business when it isn't mine, I would hate if someone else told a private story to someone they just met."

As they continued their walk to their first class, Mingyu tried his best to hide behind Wonwoo as there were too many people surrounding the duo. He grips onto the older's shoulder, squatting a bit to conceal his face from the new individuals. "Are you okay?" Wonwoo was highly concerned about the boy's reaction. "I'll get us out of here, don't worry."

"I just...why are they all looking at me?" He mumbles shyly. Wonwoo lets out a sigh and holds onto the boy's large hands, he guides their bodies away from the crowd and instructs Mingyu to follow his speed due to the students trailing behind them. "is this how all high schoolers act when it comes to new students?"

"No, it's just not every day we get seven new handsome boys at our school," Wonwoo tells, but Mingyu lets out a whine as he was not enjoying his first couple of minutes in the academy. "you attended school right? Like, when you were a human." He finally asked as they lost the swarm of curious students. Mingyu stops and lets go of Wonwoo's shoulders, he quietly looks away and answers,

"I...yeah. Only on certain days though."

Wonwoo immediately sensed that something was bothering the boy. It most definitely had to do with his past and the ravenette was able to read his face rather quickly even though they've only known each other for such a short amount of time. But, as the topic seemed to bother the boy he didn't question it. "Okay," Is all he replies with, Mingyu turns his head back and nods. "Chan seemed to put us all together from what I can tell." As he refers to Mingyu's schedule, he had a feeling this was the case for all of them as Minghao was cursing in their group chat about how he was going to be stuck with Jun all week for a whole month. "just sit next to me in each class, there's no arranged seating."

"Okay." The silver-haired boy replies to his instructions, "any mean teachers?"

Wonwoo tilts his head to think, "One, calculus."

"Dang it."

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