02: 二

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Once morning arrives, the group of friends prepare for their small gathering at Seungkwan's. Wonwoo doesn't take much time to pack his essentials, with his parents having open arms and hearts to his friends, he didn't need to do much explaining to them as they had a lot of trust within the boys. He heads off to Seokmin's, who's house is about a street or so down from his. Seokmin was usually in charge of bringing sweets, his mom had the tendency to bake many treats to where the younger wasn't able to even hold his own personal items. So, he decided that going over to help him with the treats would be easier on his hand. On his way there, he checks the overwhelming amount of messages he's received from the group chat. It was only ten a.m, why was everyone so energetic?

> guys I can't find my glasses

hannie <3
> how are you typing this right now?

> just because I wear glasses doesn't mean I'm fully BLIND

> just put on your glasses and find them

> I DID NOT just read that

> now I'm blind

hannie <3

> this is why I don't like responding to the group chat

Wonwoo smiles down as he reads the screen, sure his friends were idiots, but they were his idiots. They all held a soft spot in Wonwoo's heart and though he wasn't very open about it - if he was given the chance to he definitely would admit it to anyone who asked. Pressing on the message bar, he decides to join in on the fun.

> seokmin pls rethink your advice to hao


> no I can hear you saying that

Wonwoo does his best to pay attention to the pathway in front of him and the incoming messages. As he's about to cross the street, he accidentally bumps into another figure. This was odd because the last time he lifted up his head to check his surroundings nobody was nearby. Turning around, the unknown person stops and glances back as well. "Sorry about that," As Wonwoo immediately apologizes, from what he's captured it was a teen boy maybe around his age. "did that make you angry? It was an accident."

"You smell..nice." He mutters, but Wonwoo wasn't able to hear what he said.

As Wonwoo looks away for a split second, he didn't know what to reply with. He wasn't able to confirm many of his features, but all he could tell was that he was tall and seemed to have a liking for the color black. His hair color seemed to be a dark maroon color that was a bit faded out, Wonwoo's eyesight wasn't the best but he swore he caught the strands sticking out of the boy's hoodie. Once he turns back to where the boy should have been standing, he was gone. "What the..." Wonwoo whispers to himself, highly confused about how he ran off so fast without him hearing his footsteps. "Odd...doesn't matter I guess." He resumes to texting the group chat and walking to Seokmin's as he realized he was standing in the middle of the street.

> guys I had this really weird interaction with this guy and I looked away for a split second and suddenly he was gone

> real question is was he hot?

hannie <3
> i second that^

> you guys are thirsty and it shows 🤮

> no the real question here is WHERE ARE MY GLASSES


> touching your eyeballs is weird I'M INVADING THEIR TERRITORY

> this conversation makes me lose my brain cells but when do i not 😍

> can't tell if he was hot,,,I think he had red hair though

hannie <3
> boys with dyed hair that's hot

> you think everyone is hot

With the conversation continuing, Wonwoo finally found himself at Seokmin's front doorstep. Ringing the doorbell and waiting patiently, the younger boy opened the door with glee as he pointed towards the array of treats his mother and him made. "Don't they look good! We made sure to make everything you guys like since it's been a while since we've had a sleepover."

Wonwoo steps in, greeting Seokmin's mother from the door and quickly slips off his shoes. "It looks good, also smells delicious in here." He comments shortly, "How long have you been baking? You should have called me over so I could help."

"About seven, but no worries. Mom and I like the challenge."

Wonwoo always appreciated how positive the younger boy was, no matter what situation he was in he ensured to make the best out of it. "Well, next time do call me over. I get bored at home and I'm sure my parents would love some of your treats."

"Should we bring some over to them now? It won't take long." Seokmin suggests, he looks over to his mother who sets two dozen macaroons into the refrigerator to set. Mrs. Lee, then shakes her head, "I can head on over there boys, don't worry. I'd love to see and talk to your mom Wonwoo, it's been a while." She shortly answers.

Wonwoo nods, "Alright, guess that's cleared up then. It's interesting how we're going to Seungkwan's so early. Usually, we'd head over at noon or so."

"That's true, but, this means we get more time to hang out with each other. So either way, I'm not complaining." The younger states without any hesitation, it was clear that he was excited to spend time with his best friends. Wonwoo couldn't help but feel the same way as his vibes rubbed off on him. Seokmin walks away from Wonwoo and dashes to his room without a word, the older had a feeling he was going to go grab his stuff. So he didn't say anything. Instead, he walks over to Mrs. Lee who is cleaning up the workspace.

"Hi Mrs. Lee," He greets once more, the older woman gives him a warm smile, "if it's not any trouble to ask..how has Seokmin been doing?"

She lets out a little sigh, "He's been doing alright, thank you for asking sweetheart. The anniversary was a couple of weeks ago. I really don't know if the way he acts now is how he really feels on the inside, but, I'm sure this sleepover with you all will make him feel even much better."

Wonwoo nods his head, "I hope so too, I want you to know that I'm very sorry for your loss and if there's anything I can do to help out. I'm always around."

"Thank you Wonwoo."

After their conversation finishes, Seokmin appears with his backpack strapped onto him. "Mom, I'm ready to go, is that okay?" He questions, although, with the preparations done and Wonwoo's arrival, it was obvious that he could leave. But, Seokmin only wanted confirmation before dashing off. "Yes sweetheart, you're able to go. Have fun okay?" As she pushes the trays of sweets towards the boy, Wonwoo grabs one of them while Seokmin handles two. "be safe you two okay?"

"We will!" Seokmin promises, "We have Jeonghan and Minghao to scold us."

She chuckles, "I'm glad you guys are always looking out for each other."

Wonwoo nods his head, flashing a toothy smile. "We always will."

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