Hero Affection Part 2 (Todoroki)

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Ever since her first day, Aurora and Todoroki have been working together for the past few months. Training and getting to know each other. For once, Todoroki has found someone who understood him better than anyone else and it wasn't just because of her quirk, it was because she was drawn to be near him. He also developed feelings for her, which was new to him. His dad wanted him to be friends with her and due to his bitterness towards his dad, he wasn't even going to talk to her. But then things changed and not only did he befriend her, but he also started to like her beyond what a friend would. Aurora wasn't blind to his affections towards her, she was just scared. Scared of being loved, being in love, being vulnerable, and opening up to someone in a romantic way. However, Todoroki was always there anytime she needs him. Even if he was not around, he would always appear as if on cue. He may be harsh on the field, including her, the moment they're off the field, he's oh so gentle with her as if she could be broken. She was a strong independent girl in everyone's eyes, but to Todoroki she was a girl still battling with internal demons; something they both had in common.

The students of class 1-A were talking and chilling until class starts. Suddenly Aizawa came into the room and everyone rushed to their seats.
"Alright, before we get started, we have a guest who would like to share some information with you. Come in!". Walking into the room was the massive tenth-ranked hero, Gang Orca.
"Uncle Orca?" Aurora asked confused.
"So what I am about to share is nothing major, but it's important. Next Saturday is my niece's birthday party and you are all invited. It is an elegant event so please dress the part. That will be all, I will be taking my departure. Have a good day, Aurora," Gang Orca said all in one good before leaving the class. The entire class looked at Aurora with shock as she groaned in annoyance, face buried in her hands.
"Don't get to worked up, he called all the staff and teachers together just to invite us to your party," Aizawa tried to cheer her up.
"I told him, no, but he wanted me to have a huge Sweet Sixteen party like the Americans have," Aurora replied.
"Well we can't change the past, so let us move on.". Soon enough, the day began.

Todoroki and Aurora were on the couch occupying themselves until dinner was done. They got changed out of their school clothes and already took their showers. Aurora was sitting next to Todoroki with her head nuzzled into his shoulder and legs over his lap, listening to his music. Todoroki was just reading his book while sharing his music with Aurora with his arm around her and head against hers.
"Are you nervous about your party?".
"A bit. I'm not used to having so many good friends.".
"What about Isamu? Didn't you have friends there?".
"No, more like associates. Most people looked down at me because they saw me as a threat.". Todoroki huffed at the statement.
"Well, I guarantee you that I will be there. I'll make sure of it.". This made Aurora happy and she cuddles into his neck as he holds her closer.

Soon, Saturday came again and all of the students of class 1-A were getting dressed for Aurora's party. Aurora went home with her Uncle after school Friday to prepare for the party while Todoroki was brought home by his dad that same day. All of the students were excited for her party, even Bakugo. All of the students rode in limousines, one for the girls and the other for the boys. Once they arrive, they got checked in before walking inside. They were amazed by all of the teachers, pro heroes, and cameramen present. They all finally found Todoroki, who was standing by his dad and sister and called him over. Once he got closer, they noticed his bright red suit.

"Wow, Todoroki you look super handsome," Mina complimented

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"Wow, Todoroki you look super handsome," Mina complimented.
"Eh. Too similar to my hair color," Kirishima stated, earning a slap from Asui's tongue.
"Thanks, guys," Todoroki replied, smiling softly. The sound of Yamada's voice ringing through the room grabbed their attention.
"Alrighty, birthday guest, welcome to Aurora's Sweet Sixteen Bash. Everyone is here so let's get this party started.". Everyone in the room cheered.
"Well now for the moment y'all been waiting for, let's welcome the young lady of the night, Ms. Aurora Tesfaye.". The crowd cheered again as a black suit-clad Gang Orca came to view holding someone's hands. He gently pulled her to view and it turned out to be a very beautiful Aurora.

 He gently pulled her to view and it turned out to be a very beautiful Aurora

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"Wow. She's as pretty as a princess," Uraraka complimented as the others agreed. As Gang Orca walked down the stairs, Yamada's voice came back on.
"For tonight, there are two dances prepared for tonight. One is the Father-Daughter dance, in which Gang Orca will stand in as Aurora's father, and the second is the passing forward dance. This is where the Father will hand his daughter off into adulthood and dancing with her will be Mr. Shoto Todoroki. ". This shocked everyone in the room that the Son of Endeavor would be dancing with the niece of Gang Orca. Gang Orca lead Aurora to the dance floor and waited in waltz position for the music to come on.

The dance was very emotional for everyone in the room but mostly for Aurora and Gang Orca. When Aurora's dad died and mom couldn't afford to keep her, it was Gang Orca who came to her aid and raised her. Gang Ocra has been raising her for twelve years and has loved her for a very long time. Aurora became like a daughter to him and he was the father figure she didn't have. When the dance ended, Aurora hugged her Uncle because he let a few years slip, but she was trying to stop her own from slipping out. She released the hugged and turned to the guest as her uncle held her hand. Todoroki approached the two and bowed in respect. When he stood tall, Gang Orca kissed Aurora's hand before giving her hand to Todoroki and walking away. Soon the music started playing.

They bowed each other before Todoroki pulled Aurora closer to him and started waltzing. Their movements were graceful and well done despite not practice beforehand. Aurora was too shy to look Todoroki in the eyes, so he did a spin dip to get her to look at him. His eye told her everything and as she came up, she kept eye contact with him. As they danced Todoroki laid his forehead on hers, eyes closed as they let the music control their bodies. They didn't say anything, but at this moment, they didn't have to. They each poured their hearts out to each other without using words, just movements. As the song reached its end, the two met each other's eyes and Aurora brought the hand that was on his shoulder to the back of his neck before leaning in to kiss him; which returned immediately. The entire ballroom was filled with gasping and cheering from their other classmates. Endeavor was going to interfere but was stopped by Gang Orca. The two pulled from the kiss before looking deep in each other's eyes and smiling. Aurora pulled Todoroki into a hug, which he gave back immediately as the guest all clapped and cheered for. The rest of the night was them hanging with their friends, eating, and dancing to music. And that whole night, Todoroki and Aurora was hand in hand it thing for this one moment was perfect.

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