Forensic Hottie (Watabe Satoru)

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Watabe was in the DCD's office having a meeting while eating some snacks that he bought for them suddenly a loud knock following by a soft voice could be heard, making everyone get quiet.
"Hello? Mr. Yui? It's James Hannah from the Miami PD." the voice said.
"Oh. My new Prodigy, "Yui started as he perks up before shouting, "Come up the stairs, Ms. James.". Soft clicking of heels could be heard coming closer from the stairs before brown hair and chocolate-like skin could be seen.

"Ah, Ms

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"Ah, Ms. James, good to see you. You're a bit early though," Yui greeted as he stood up to shake her hand, which she shook firmly.
"Good to see, too. Also, I prefer to be early for my first day of work. Thank you for the opportunity." Hannah answered, shyly. Yui turned to his other co-workers to introduce her, "Dear friends, this is James Hannah. She is a Forensic nurse transferring from America. She from this point forward, she will be working for us and dubbed the newest member of STAND.". This information was new, even to Izumi for she did not see her name listed in the recruitment papers.
"You must be really good at your job to have to move all the way from America to work here in Japan," Aoyama commented, drinking his tea.
"Yes, well I took a lot of criminals off the street with the help of my team. I was so diligent, in fact, that my team and I were dubbed heroes to civilians and a Menace to the press and cartels." Hannah replied, earning an approving hum from Aoyama. Suddenly, Watabe got a phone call about a warehouse that had blown up; three victims in counting.
"Gear up, team. We got a case on the outside of town. Sorry that you had to start so early, but we need you on this case, Ms. James" He told them.
"No, it's fine. That why I took this job is first.".
"I'll go get your lab coat and field box, Hannah," Yui said as he rushed to get the tools needed for Hannah while the others went to get clearance for guns.

Hannah was examining the bodies to see what was the causes of death. Watabe came up to her, slightly scrunching his nose at the state of the bodies.
"We found some tools that could be used to cook Methamphetamine. We only found a little sample, but after testing it, it was positive for meth. Do you think that it was just an accident?" he addressed.
"Sure. If you want to call fatal bullets injuries an accident," Hannah answered, confusing Watabe.
"These two have one bullet injuries in their heads while the third has three bullet injuries. But the first person's entry point was in the front of the head while the second person was in the back of the head. I'll need to get them back to my lab for further examinations." Hannah added, calling over the medical assistants to help bring the bodies back to Headquarters.

It's been two days and they not only found the killer but also shut down an entire methamphetamine smuggling system. Hannah was typing up a report to present in court about the bodies, their states, and how their murders could be tied to the case. Hannah paused to massage her eyes when a knock on the door could be heard. Turning around, she saw that it was Watabe holding to cups of coffee.
"Mr. Watabe, to what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" Hannah asked with a sleepy smile.
"I assumed you needed a boost of energy, so I took it upon myself to bring you coffee," he answered as he approached her.
"Thank you, Mr. Watabe.". Hannah felt very warm from just one sip of coffee.
"Please, just call Watabe or Satoru. No need for formalities anymore.".
"Even if I'm younger than you?".
"Yes. You're only younger by four years. No need to be so formal, especially with our line of work.". Hannah hummed as she took another sip of her coffee.
"How much work do you have left?".
"Not much. I just need to type the connection between the murder and the smuggling.".
"I can do that part for you. I had a heavy enough hand in the case to do that much.".
"Oh no. I couldn't ask that of you. You're already busy as is. This will just burden you.".
"Nah, it fine. You've been working non-stop during this investigation. And it was your very first investigation and you took it without a second thought even when you just got started. I'll drive you home and you'll have clearance to sleep until three p.m. since the court session is dated for tomorrow.". This confused Hannah as she looked to the time to see it was two a.m. in the morning; which made more sense. She then proceeded to save her progress before sending it to Watabe's Emails. Once sent, she logged out of the computer and went to gather her stuff. One the way out, she grabbed her cup of coffee and turned out the lights.

The ride to Hannah's house was mainly quiet and Watabe gave her a snack he bought earlier for her to snack on until she arrived home. At some point, she fell asleep and he found himself stealing glances at her. To him, she was a very incredible woman: beautiful, charming, hard-working, and intelligent. Soon, they made it to her Apartment so Watabe gently nudged her awake. He helped her up to her apartment, offed her shoes and lab coat, and laid her in bed before tucking her in. Watabe stared at her a little longer as he stroked her cheek then decided to leave; shutting her room door behind him. He took in the sight of her small apartment and took his leave, making sure her door was fully shut and locked.

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