My Pretty Guardian (Rin Okumura)

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Yukio and Shura were standing outside of a large dome of vines, flowers, and leaves along with other smaller plants surroundings a small part of the large forest.
"So what's the situation?" Shura asked while poking at the dome.
"I'm not really sure. All I know is whoever or whatever is behind this dome is not human," Yukio answered as he readjusted his glasses.
"No shit, Sherlock. I could have told you that," a voice came from behind the two, making them jump. When they turned, they saw that it just Rin.
"Rin? What are you doing here?" Yukio asked surprised, even though this happens all the time.
"Why else? To help my little brother and exorcise demons, duh!" Rin sang as he wrapped his arm around Yukio, twisting his finger into his cheek. Suddenly, loud gunfires could be heard followed by a horrifying scream.
"Kuro, hurry and get us through," Rin yelled as his cat familiar jumped into action. He clawed through the vines and the trio rushed through. Once inside they were met with smoke and fire, the smell of withering animal flesh strong and sicking. Another blood-curdling scream could be heard and Rin ran into the forest to find the owner of the scream; ignoring Yukio's and Shura's cries to wait. As he got closer, he started to make out the cries for help and it made him push harder. Rin finally found the owner of the voice but was met with a horrid scene.
A small girl with brown skin covered in blood and wounds were stringed up by ropes being slashed by spiky wipes in the middle of a small clearing, surrounded by two other people watching and laughing. This made Rin's mind go blank and go berserk. When he came to, he was in the arms of his brother with a stinging sensation to his right cheek. The three people who were tormenting the girl were knocked cold with bloody scratches to their faces and bodies as the exorcists carried them away. He was about to ask what happened when he remembered the girl. He looked around frantically to find her only to spot her sleeping on a bed of flowers with Kuro, along with other small animals, watching over her. Her wounds were gone which meant she was also a sort of demon or guardian. Rin rushed to her side and picked her up before looking at Kuro.
"Let's bring her home, buddy.". Kuro bent down so that Rin can climb on with the girl. They completely ignored Yukio's and Shura's questions as they rode back to the dorms.

Rin watched over the girl as she slept on his bed while Kuro, now back in his normal size, cuddled into her side. Then Yukio and Shura busted into the room but was quickly hushed by Rin and Kuro.
"Why the hell would you bring her here?" Shura asked too loud, causing Rin to push them out of the room.
"Would you please explain why you brought her here? We need to exorcise her," Yukio argued as Rin shut the door.
"No. What SHE needs is help. Those people killed innocent animals and whipped her until she was bleeding out. She was calling for help and I'm gonna give it to her," Rin said in a serious tone, not giving them room to disagree.
"How are you gonna do that when you can't even protect yourself?" Shura butted in.
"It doesn't matter. That girl needs protection and I'm giving it to her no matter what. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If anyone asked, tell them that she is my new personal familiar. End of discussion.". With that, Rin opened the door to meet the young girl awake, sitting up as she played with Kuro. Rin smiled warmly at the scene before slowly approaching the girl.
"Kuro seems to like you," he started, making his presence known as he sat on the bed.
"Kuro? So that's his name?". The girl spoke softly.
"Yeah. I thought he told you his name already. My mistake.".
"No, it's fine.".
"Speaking of names, my name is Okumura Rin and the grumps outside the door are my little brother, Yukio, and Boobzilla, Shura.".
"Nice to meet you. My name is Ayana, Guardian of Nature.".


From that point on, Rin and Ayana were inseparable. Ayana went everywhere with him, just like Kuro and he was very protective of her. Whenever people start getting too bold with their words or actions, he would pull her into him and stare down the person trying to hit Ayana up. When they are not busy, Rin cooks for her, cuddles with her, and they sleep in the same bed. He could be hanging with his friends, but the moment he sees her, she gets his attention. Ayana started to feel things for Rin that she's never experienced before. The way he held her. When he cooks for her. How he hugged her when the memories of that day pop in her mind and she started panicking. The way he cupped her face and strokes her cheeks with his thumbs. The way he kisses the top of her head, forehead, nose, and cheeks. Everything he did made her feel pure blissfulness. But she couldn't find the name of the feeling. However, Rin did know the name of that feeling because he felt it too. It was love. He was in absolute love with Ayana. There was nothing he would not do for her and he did not care what anyone else thought or felt about it. No one wanted him because he was the son of Satan, but Ayana didn't care. In her eyes, he was the hero who came to her aid when she needed it and nursed her back to health. Yes, he had his brother, Shura, Kuro, and his friends, but his heart belonged to Ayana and he didn't want it back.

It was late at night with a bad storm roaring. Rin was sleeping when he felt a soft hand shaking his shoulder. He blinked his eyes a few times to see that it was Ayana shaking in fear. No words were necessary; he got up out of bed, picked up Ayana, and walked to the kitchen. Sitting her on the table, he got some chocolate milk for her as she pats Ukobach's head since he was there. Rin handed her the drink before sitting in the chair in front of her, falling asleep on her thighs with his arms around her. She strokes his hair as she drinks the milk, something that she has become accustomed to. Once she was done, she handed the cup back to Ukobach before waking Rin up again. He sat back in his chair for a bit before standing up. He looked down at Ayana with sleepy eyes that had nothing but love and adoration in them. Rin proceeded to cup her cheeks in such a loving way as he rests his forehead on hers.
"Ayana. I love you. So much. Please never leave. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up.". He kisses her nose before placing a gentle yet passionate kiss against her lips. Ayana's eyes stung as the tears fell down her face and she returned the kisses with multiple passionate pecks while chanting "Me too. I love you, too," making them both smile. Rin carried Ayana back to her room, cuddling and kissing until they fell asleep.

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