His Astonishing Wife (Tenya Iida)

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All of Class 1-A was told to come down to the common room to greet their new classmate and dorm mate. All of them were wondering what their new classmate would be like and what her quirk would be. Suddenly, Aizawa and All Might came inside the building, gaining all of the students' attention.
"Hello, Class. I know this is very sudden and I know your curious about who the new student is, but it will be best if Aizawa explained the sudden news," All Might started, shifting the attention to Aizawa.
"This new student was a bit of a troublemaker when she was younger due to being an orphan at a very young. I had to constantly watch over her while she was growing up to make sure she didn't get in trouble and after a while I saw a change. Since she's been doing very well, I've talked to the principal about letting her in. It wasn't easy since it is the second year for both you and her, but after a lot of paperwork, we managed a way for her to study her so the I can train her to be the best hero she can be." Aizawa explained.
"Okay, but where is she? And can we hurry this up? I'm sleepy," Bakugo barked, unamused. Just as he said that a car pulled up in front of the dorms. Coming out of the car was the most baddest girl to ever grace U.A High.

Aizawa called to her as she walked in

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Aizawa called to her as she walked in. The two walked back the group, Aizawa standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders.
"Class. This is Heather Jones. Make her feel welcome and keep Minata far away from her." Aizawa told the class, patting Heather's shoulder before walking away.
"Try not to shake them too much. They're still going to be your classmates," All Might whispered to her before patting her head and leaving as well. As soon as the two teachers left, Heather looked back to see twenty pairs of curious eyes looking back at her. Heather sighed before bowing and saying in a monotone voice, "Thank you for having me. Let's get along.". When she looked up, everyone in the room was blushing.
"Hello, Heather welcome to U.A Academy. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu. Nice to meet you." a girl with long black hair came up to introduce as she reached out her hand for Heather to shake, which she did.
"Hello, Ms. Jones. I am Tenya Iida, the Class Rep." introduced a tall handsome boy with glasses walking towards her almost robot-like before putting his hand out for her to grab. When she did, he kissed her knuckles gently, making her flustered.
"You are fine as hell. I'm calling you Husband from this point," Heather said, bluntly, shocking everyone else and making Iida blush.
"Um. I guess that's okay," Iida replied shyly as he rubbed the back of his head.
"H-hey, I was w-wondering what you're quirk is?" an adorable boy with green asked.
"Of course I'll tell you, you cutie pie," Heather cooed as she cupped his cheeks, shaking his head a bit before hugging his neck.
"My quirk is the sun. I can draw power and energy from the sun's light and heat at will. It's most powerful during the day, even if I'm in a dark place. But at night I'm practically useless because there is no sun to draw my power from. So to make up for my lack of power at night, I became a martial artist. I'm a black belt in Judo.". The whole class was in shock by this girl's quirk and abilities.
"Powerful quirk, Martial Artist, and a hot babe. Our class really is cool, we are so lucky," said a certain red-haired boy.

That was her first day at U.A high, but Heather still remembers that day like it just happened. Since that day, she has grown strong bonds with everyone in her class. Heather claimed Deku as her son and is thus protective over him while Bakugo respects her because she's the only student that can beat him in a fight and she doesn't put up with his shit. All of the girl students she has a close bond with and they all come to her for advice and fun. Heather was instantly given the "Mom" title due to her mother-ish behavior and take shit from no one attitude. She even shut down Endeavor of all people, knowing and understanding the bitterness Shoto had towards his father. In such a short period of time, Heather managed to be the most respected student in class 1-A.

As for Iida, Heather kept her word and has been calling him husband the entire time. She even claimed him as her man while arguing with class 1-B's Neito Monoma about how awesome class 1-A after he disrespected them.
"Talking about my friends is one thing, but talking about my man is a whole other situation. If you must talk shit, talk shit about Mineta and not my husband.". These were the exact words she said that went viral around the school. Iida was already attracted to Heather upon first meet, but he fell in deep with her after getting to know her more. Though he is in love with this girl, he didn't feel like he was worth the title of her husband. Heather was powerful and the most wonderful person plus she was beautiful and intelligent. She even managed to spark a flame in Todoroki and Bakugo of all people. She was amazing and a true example of a hero at best. With all this in mind, Iida became very distant, which didn't go unnoticed by Heather.

Tonight was the night that Heather talked to Iida about his recent change in demeanor. After most of the students went to their rooms, Heather went to the floor Iida resided and knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" Iida asked, soft but firm.
"It's Heather. We need to talk.". A grunt followed by bed squeaking could be heard before the door opened a moment later. Iida wasn't wearing his glasses and his eyes were red and droopy, but not from sleepiness; it didn't sit right with her. Iida moved out the way to let her in and after shutting the door behind them, he sat on the bed.
"What was it that you wanted to talk about? And why so late?". Heather took a deep breath before answering.
"I'm concerned about you. You became distant, you look said often, and you won't let me touch you anymore. What's going on?". Iida took a long breath before speaking.
"Tell me honestly. Why do you call my husband?".
"Well at first it was because you were hot. Then when we became friends, I kept calling you Husband because you have everything I want in a husband.".
"But... What do I have that no one else does? Todoroki, Bakugo, Kirishima, even Shoji. They're all so much more powerful than me. Even Shinso from General Studies has his eyes on you. I've never felt so insecure about anything in my life, but I just don't understand why me out of everyone else!". Iida raised his head up, frustrated tears stinging his eyes as he looked Heather directly in her eyes.
"WHAT DO I POSSIBLY THAT THE OTHERS DON'T TO MAKE YOU CALL ME YOUR HUSBAND?!" he yelled in frustration, the fists on his knees tightened. The sight made Heather hurt inside for she did not mean to hurt him. She loves Iida so seeing him in this state really upset her.
"I chose you over everyone else because I love you in a way I don't love everyone else. Everyone else in our class I love as if they were my family. I never felt like I belonged anywhere until I came to U.A. I chose you because, you're smart, funny, talented, caring, passionate, and a born leader. You may be right about others have those qualities and more, but I chose you because I see myself marry someone like you. I don't regret my decision and I won't change my mind; I'm too stubborn for that!" Heather explained to him while hugging herself as the tear she tried to hold back dripped down her face. Suddenly, her chin was lifted up and a kiss was placed on her lips. She cried while pulling Iida closer, not breaking the kiss. Iida broke off from the kiss first before looking into Heather's eyes.
"Heather Jones, I do love you. And I want to know if you would like to be my girlfriend," he asked firmly, cupping her cheeks as he wipes her tears away. Heather nodded her head wildly before answering, "Yes, Tenya. I love you, too. I love you so much.". Iida picked Heather up and sat back on his bed with her sitting on his thigh.
"From this point on, I'm your official husband and I will make it my mission to make you happy. And I will be a firm father to our classmates who you see as your kids," Iida said, sounding like his usual uptight self again. Heather chuckled before replying, "And I'll be a loving wife to which you deserve.". With that, the two shared a loving and passionate kiss, holding each other tight.

Kaminari saw Heather entering Iida's room and called everyone to come. In no time everyone came to see what was happening, Jiro and Shoji listened into the room, whispering everything the two said. The girls were silently fangirling while guys minus Bakugo were supportive of their class rep being honest with his feelings.

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