Tanaka's Hot Cousin (kageyama Tobio)

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The boys of Karasuno High's Volleyball team were setting up for Saturday practice. Tanaka and Nishinoya were talking when he suddenly remembered something.
"Hey guys, I just remembered something!".
"Yeah, what is it?" Daichi asked.
"My little Cousin is coming to see us play. She's a volleyball player as well," Tanaka answered. Just as he said that there was a knock on the door, making every look to see who it was and was stunned by who it was.

"Cousin Tanaka

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"Cousin Tanaka. How you been?" the girl asked as Tanaka ran up to her, picking her up.
"Hey, little cousin, great to see you.". Tanaka pulled her inside to introduce her to the other members.
"Guys, this is my Cousin, Paige. She's visiting from the U.S for the whole summer and wanted to come watch me play volleyball," he explained.
"Nice to meet you all, I'll do my best not to get in the way," Paige said nicely with a matching smile. Everyone greeted her well and she learned all of their names. Paige spent most of the time sitting on the stage and watching them practice. During their break, Paige was talking with Tanaka when Hinata came up to her with Kageyama.
"Tanaka said you're a volleyball player. Is that true?" he asked with a cute spark in his eyes.
"Yes, it is. I've been playing since middle school.".
"What position are you?" Kageyama asked.
"I'm a setter... and the captain.". This shocked Kageyama as he was not expecting her to have the same position as him.
"Wow. A setter and a captain? You must be amazing!" Hinata exclaimed, practically bouncing.
"Thank you. Though, the two of you are really amazing. I've never seen such power in any team in America. No doubt you guys will be awesome pros one day." Paige told them, making them glow a soft pink before smiling. With the blow of the whistle, the pair, plus Tanaka, went back to practice.

Soon enough, practice was unfortunately over, but Hinata came over with Kageyama trailing behind.
"Hey, Paige. Want to play some before we leave?".
"Sure. Help me down?". Kageyama held her waist firmly as she hopped off the stage, but he gently put her on her feet so she didn't hurt her ankle. She looked up to thank him but ended up looking him in the eyes, making him blush and her flustered.
"If you're going to play, then hurry up and play! And Kageyama, get your hands off my cousin, Boy!" Tanaka's voice rang throughout the gym, making the two separate. Hinata, Kageyama, and Paige went back and forth; showing off their abilities. Hinata was impressed by her sheer strength while Kageyama was impressed by her intelligence and determination as a player. Soon, they had to leave and Paige left with Tanaka.
"Hey, how about we play volleyball outside tomorrow?" she asked them.
"Sounds great. See you then," Hinata called out to her.
"Bye, Tanaka-Senpai. Bye, Paige-Chan," Kageyama said as the two left.

All summer Kageyama and Paige were getting to know each other while expressing their neutral love for volleyball and being setters. Kageyama started developing for Paige but was afraid he wasn't her type. She liked him too, but was afraid he wasn't into a committed, let along a long-distance one. Tanaka picked up on the chemistry between Kageyama and Paige, so devised a plan to get them together. Don't get him wrong, he was VERY protective of his little cousin, but he wasn't going to get in between their cute puppy love.

It was nearly the end of summer and Tanaka was throwing a going away slumber party for Paige since she had to fly back to America soon. While Paige was in the bathroom getting ready for bed, Tanaka and the entire volleyball team set everything up for the party. When she was about to come out of the bathroom, everyone hid to surprise her, which was a success.

Paige, Kageyama, Yachi, and Hinata was playing the Wii switch when Tanaka came up with a plan to finally get Kageyama and Paige together.
"Okay, guys! Let's play 7 minutes in heaven!" Tanaka announced, getting everyone's attention.
"You just want an excuse to be alone with Kiyoko in a closet for 7 minutes," Suga yelled at him accusingly.
"Either way, we are playing. I have a bag with one item that matches each person present. Now since I was the one who brought this up I'll go first.". All of the third years, plus Nishinoya, knew of Tanaka's plan but had to act naturally to not raise suspicion. The game continues as many pairs (funny ones to say the least) went in the closet to do who knows what. Then it was finally Paige's turn and she pulled out a boxed milk. Knowing exactly who it was for, she looked straight at him before heading to the closet. When they were in the closet, Tanaka shut the door and started the time. The two stood there, nervously shifting weight from one foot to the other. Paige really thought that Kageyama looked hot in his casual clothing and wanted an excuse to kiss his lips; which she may or may not have stared at many times.  She pulled at his sleeve without looking at him and shyly asked, "Do you think... I could... Kiss you?". There was a moment of silence that followed a gasp from Kageyama before he turned Paige facing him before he kissed her. Paige's nerves went away as she melted into the kiss; his lips as soft as she thought they would be. Kageyama then proceeded to back Paige into the other wall, pushing his body against hers. They broke the kiss as he picked her up and held her up from under her thighs, going back to kissing her.
"Will you go out with me? I promise to make it work." Kageyama asked her, breathlessly.
"Yes. I will definitely go out with you." Paige answered, also out of breath as the to shared a breathless giggle/chuckle. Kageyama pecked Paige's lips a couple of times before kissing her fully. The two were so wrapped up in their own world that they didn't notice Tanaka opening the door.
"Hey, Kageyama. You two better be dating if you got your hands on my Lil cousin like that," Tanaka taunted, earning the couple's attention. Kageyama gently put Paige down before bowing in front of Tanaka; apologizing for being so unapologetic. Tanaka let him off the hook and Paige walked out the closet to hold Kageyama's hand as they walked back to the party.

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