His BabyGirl (Hawks) {MANGA SPOILERS}

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Hawks was tired. Between working as a hero and being a double agent for the hero commission, the day has been exhausting. Hawks was walking out of his agency when he caught glimpse of the person he been wanting to see all day; his girlfriend. He sent one of his feathers to her as he flew behind her. She was surprised to see his feather in front of her but jumped he hugged her from behind.
"Hey, Babe. What are you doing on this side of town?" he asked as she turned in his arms to hug him and kiss him.
"I'm going to the store to buy food for dinner.".
"Is that so? What's for dinner?".
"You'll find out when you get home. Don't you have work to be doing.".
"I can take a small break to help you.". The two shared a laugh as they entered the store. The two grabbed all of the items on the list plus some extra stuff that Hawks demanded before fighting over who was going to pay for the groceries, which he won, and then heading home. Hawks helped put the groceries back before turning to his girlfriend.
"Hey, Nikki. I need to head out one more time. I shouldn't be too long," he informed her.
"Okay, Love. See you when you get back," Nikki yelled over her shoulder as she began prepping dinner.

Hawks was at the LOV's base, walking out of a meeting with them when he was grabbed by Twice.
"So you think you could hide it from me? Idiot!" Twice started.
"Hide what, Twice?" Hawks asked, quite confused.
"You did tell me you had a girlfriend. She's so pretty. I am hurt.". Hawks chuckled at Twice dramatic flair.
"Well it's not like I keep her a secret, so it was bound to happen anyway.".
"Most heroes would want to keep their lovers and families safe by hiding their existence. Do you think it's wise to tell a bunch of villains about your lover? If you knew better, you'd keep that to yourself." Dabi monologued as he approached the pair with Toga at his side.
"I'm not worried. As much as I love my sweet Tweety Bird and would destroy anyone and everything that dares to hurt her, I know deep down that she is more powerful than I am.".
"Why do you say that?" Toga asked, now interested.
"So I don't know how much you have seen or heard of my girlfriend, but when she's mad, she's terrifying. I once collapsed when I got home from work due to overworking and she went off on the head of the hero commission. She called them to the house just to scold them. I was in the other room, but I had to hold in my laughs. If she can quite literally stomp on the entire hero commission, I feel bad for the dumbass villain who comes at her sideways, because the will get folded." Hawks explained right as his phone rang. He hushed the trio as Twice begged him to be on speaker, which he reluctantly obliged as he answered the Phone.
"Hey, Babe. You're on speaker so behave.".
"Or what? You'll spank me? I don't care who's listening. They don't pay my bills." Nikki shot back with sass.
"Okay, Beautiful. Are you calling me to hurry home.".
"Well unless you want to eat a cold dinner and to shower alone with no one to comfort you, go ahead and take your time. But if you want to caught glimpse of me in that Valentine's gift you got me, I would hurry home before I get bored.". Everyone paused and blinked at what Nikki just said. Hawks sucked in a breath before whispering into the phone, "I'll be there in six minutes. Better keep that same level of boldness for when I get there.". With that, he hung up the phone, bid the trio farewell, and booked it home. The trio just stood there shocked as Dabi snapped out of his trance to say, "That damn birdman got a good one. I swear life really do be unfair.". Twice and Toga nodded, still staring at where Hawks left from.

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