His first

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~~Kai POV~~

"Kai!" The unknown voice seemed to scream at him or more so plead for his help as his life depended on it. The yelling became more persistent but the source of the sound was unknown. I looked around in this foggy yet dark forest, the louder the screams of pleading have gotten, the direction of the noise had lightened the dark forest as if there was a fire of some sort. It was overwhelming until he saw something horrifying.

Fire, something that felt He cause it made his stomach drop intensely the fire was eating the forest out while Adam was around it with a limp girl in her hands. It was no other than Mira what happened to her!? He felt like he was suffocating as if he was underwater. . .

That's when I woke up my hands were shaking in pure fear my breathing was sharp, was I hyperventilating? It felt cold everything around me was. I was alone in my house knowing that my parents were off god doing know's what. But knowing if they were here It wouldn't help out. I wanted to forget this nightmare I wanted to put it somewhere deep in my mind in hopes that it wouldn't appear or pop out.

After a few minutes, my heart rate slowed and I decided to stay up knowing it was already around 7, and play video games until he received a ping noise from his phone. Who could be up at this hour? He'd yawned and unlocked his phone to check, It was from Adam. "Why is he up at this hour?" His voice croaked as he cringed at that. Looking at the message...

[Karate kid] Hey I know your prob asleep but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a Lil adventure with me and Mira.

I'd gaze at that message, wouldn't be so bad right? But what if that dream wasn't just his dream?? What if It's a sign? His stomach dropped when he realized this could go wrong, he felt cold again his hands were shaking. " No, It's probably JUST a dream" He quietly said while yawning as the sunlight came threw his blinds.

[Fire boy] Sure! :)

I need a shower that's for sure. As I stretched and got up I fell over my console controllers I was playing with earlier "God" He'd hiss as he picked up his controllers. After taking a shower and changing he got another message which I assume was Adam. I'd grab my phone and look at the message.

[Karate kid] Wow, your up earlier than I expected lol, we'll all meet at the donut shop!

[Fire boy] Alright I'll be there shortly!

I'd stare at my phone for a bit, please let it only be a dream. Please. I snapped myself out of these thoughts and started to leave my house. Soon he met up with Adam for some reason he tensed up 'Why am I tensing up now, nothing is happening??' I'd ask myself. "Hey Adam, where's Mira?" I'd ask while rubbing my eye. "She went to go get something real quick from her house" Adam would reply while glancing over at Me. "Didn't get enough sleep, Kai?" Adam would ask while raising his eyebrows.

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