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WOOO, hello, people! A new chapter is out! This chapter will have domestic violence/parental abuse, as mentioned here. If that makes you uncomfortable or triggers you, please skip that part. There will be a warning when it appears! Also, with previous chapters, I’ve done some work on those!

9 AM, that's the time Adam usually wakes up. Although he woke up an hour later with all that was happening this time, his body needed that extra hour of rest. So he slowly rises from his bed with the hazy feeling of his soft yet warm mattress as if yearning for him to go back to sleep, muttering some nonsense under his breath. Puddles, who was napping beside him, woke up quickly once Adam had awoken. “Morning to you too, buddy..” he'd mumble, still trying to pull himself out of the sleepy haze.

Eventually, I stood up and stretched while Puddles helped fix his messy covers.
"Thanks, Puddles!" Adam would chirp even if his voice sounded groggy as Puddles barked in reply. His phone rang a couple of times under his pillow as a hum left his throat. Reaching under the pillow to stare down at his phone, looking at the messages Mira had left him recently.


Mira: Adamm!! Wake up!

Mira: . . . >:|

Mira: Adammm!!

Mira: You up?? If so, meet me at my place so we can discuss my plan!!! We're going to kick some ass!

Adam: I'm up. I'll be there in a few! Sure as hell, we will!

Mira: Sweet!! I’ll see you there.

Adam turned his phone off, deciding to hurry up to start the day off with a shower for starters. Before doing so he gave Puddles a few scratches behind the ear. “Alright, bud, I'll be back.. I got some business to take care of!” he'd mumble as Puddles barked, leaning into the scratches. He'd rush to take care of it!

After the shower, Adam was quick to put his clothes on and make a dash to the kitchen to eat some cereal and bring some snacks too in case, gradually making his way back to the room, grabbing his phone and giving Puddles a few head pats before dashing to the door yelling that he'll be at Mira's house “Hold on, Adam.” Adam's fathers voice filled with a stern yet caring floating in his tone. Adam turned around, keeping his hand on the knob of the door tilting his head.

“Yes, dad?” “Stay hydrated, and please try not to get yourself into trouble, okay? I talked to your mother about the situation, and we're both seeing what we can do as well.” he'd say giving Adam a hug and a pat on the back as Adam smiled “Thanks dad I really appreciate what you're doing to help, I'll let you know if anything is up before things go west or something..”

His father would nod and wave as Adam fully opened the door, leaving the house on a mission to get those assholes away from Kai. He deserves much better than what they're treating him.

Making his way to Mira wasn't much of a stretch since they don't live too far away from each other compared to where Kai lives.

Heading to Mira's door knocking gently as a sigh left his lips at the speed of light, Miles, Mira's brother, opened the door as he grinned.
"Adam! Good to see you. Are you here so I can beat you in another round of Mario Kart?" he'd ask, staring intently at the tall boy."Unfortunately, not today, Miles. I'm here to see Mira for a project!!" Adam responded, “Anyways, where is she??” Miles pouted in annoyance, crossing his arms and staring at Adam as if he was expecting something in return for saying where exactly she was.

Adam huffed, pinching his forehead in minor defeat. “Alright, alright, I'll play Mario Kart with you WHEN I come back with Kai along to.. Deal??” he'd offer him. Mile’s smile grew to that deal as his arms uncrossed themselves. “Deal, but bring some snacks too! Mira is upstairs. I think in her room from last I saw her..” he'd say, letting Adam in the house as Miles snaked his way back to gaming.

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