What's happening

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((Art above done by me!!))

~~Adam POV~~

Just as soon as Mira asked him that question about thanksgiving he seemed to freak out, his breathing was sharper "Kai?" No response. Mira and I glanced at each other starting to be get more worried by the second "He's.. Having a panic attack, we need to help him out of it before he passes out of something.." I'd nod while touching him on the shoulder softly, his shoulders tensed up from the touch but never inched away from it "Kai, were right here please calm down.." There was no response just his sharp breathes "I'm going to hug you, okay? nothing is going to hurt you.." I'd reel him into a tight hug and urged Mira to join in as well, she did as so. I wonder what caused for him go off like this. I don't like seeing him like this.

After what seemed like awhile, in which it did he finally calmed down. But he was out cold, with a small sigh escaping my lips " I'll bring Kai home" "Well we basically both have to get out the same path as I might as well follow behind!!" She'd chuckle I'd nod while carrying Kai on my back. Soon we made it over to Kai's house, Mira rung the doorbell to our surprise it wasn't Davis. It was a mother figure which seemed to be Kai's parent from the resemblance. She seemed like she belonged in Hollywood or somewhere expensive "I see you two are 'Kai's' friends and you've have brought him here... Davis!!!" She'd yelled.

Davis appeared from the side of the door with an eyebrow raised "Yes Ma'am?" "Please take Kai to his bedroom." Why couldn't she? That is Kai's mother right? I'd glance over to Mira and she seemed just as confused as me. Davis took Kai and brung him to his room something felt... Odd. "Well you to do realize it's getting late now. Go on I need somewhere to be." Kai's mother said ushering us out of the property. Me and Mira got the gist and left "Hey Mir-" "If you're talking about what just happened then yeah, that was weird." Mira cut me off. I nodded in agreement "We'll talk more about this tomorrow okay?" Mira nodded "Welp cya later!"

((Any name Ideas for the mom/father?? and things are about to go down in the next chp!))

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