The beast has awoken

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Heyy! Finally got the strength to write!! Now, buckle in friends!))


Kai's POV

The sun rays blinded my eyes as a grunted in discomfort as I squirm still feeling warmth engulf me with weight pressing me down as well it slightly freaked me out at first until I realized what was happening. Adam was hugging me!! Okay okay, calmm down this is fine. This felt so oddly nice yet domestic as I'd smile softly to myself as I yawn quietly, wow okay... Adam smells like spicy cinnamon and a cologne he'd often use it suits him considering how strong his bear grip of a hug is and how great of a person he always is including to me!! How could someone be so nice to me I mean look at me someone could easily just ask for my money or just use me dry!! My thoughts were immediately put to a stop when I realized someone was staring at me.. "Well It seems like you're up and early" Adams voice sounded groggy from him just waking up I was caught off guard from how his voice sounded while my jaw still open without me noticing due to... That. "I-Uh-!! Y-yeah- Just uhmm woke up awhile ago,,," I'd squeak out from how my brain kept crashing immediately trying to think of a quick response.

Adam chuckled quietly from my response as his hazel eyes scanned me, I wonder what he was searching for.. "Well good morning then,, did you sleep alright??" He'd ask me and if I wasn't mistaken his voice sounded as if he was worried too.. I'd nod a little "Mhmm.. Honestly the best sleep I've ever had!!" I'd smile at him "Thanks Adam for taking me to your house and everything.. I really do appreciate it a lot!" Wrapping my arms more tightly around him while I nuzzled closer to him. Adam was like the sun radiating his heat off to me, even his smile was so.. Bright yet filled with warmth and care. Don't understand how someone could see otherwise. Adam pulled me closer as I heard the covers shuffle a little "Anytime man, would never say no to that.. Can come over anytime I wouldn't care.." I'd hum in response closing my eyes just taking this moment in.. His arms felt so securing and safe to be wrapped in.. "You know.." I'd open my eyes to the tone of his voice, as I let out a small noise to let Adam know I was listening "This mighht be silly to say but, dude I wouldn't trade this moment for anything else this is nice and.. I enjoy being with you a lot Kai.." My brain gears were chugging to his response it made me feel wanted something my parents would feel immense hatred to.. And before I knew it my throat felt tight along with my eyes starting to get glossy and wet "A-Adamm..." I whispered my voice sounded wet albeit shaky from this oddly warm feeling in my body..
Adam slowly moved away to get a good look at me, I bet I looked terrible haha but that thought was quickly whipped away from his smile god his smile could destruct any negative thought that floated in my mind. "Kai.. You do you know how amazing you are?" Adam gently cupped his strong hands onto my face whipping the tears I didn't know existed until now.. "I-" My voice sounded shaky so I relied on my body motion at this point and shook my head in response. Adam sighed not in disappoint more so like a small funny joke he would try to explain "Well then, I'll tell you how amazing you are.. Kai, you're literally the best when it comes to technology could literally understand something within a heartbeat! Remember when we- well actually just me I thought my computer was no longer working but!! You just said it was my battery unit that needed to be replaced! If anything I would've just gotten a new one if you never told me about that!!" He kept rambling more and more about how great I was my chest felt weird I couldn't explain why but it felt nice?? I stared in awe at how much he said but the last thing that hit me hard was- "andd the last but not least is that you're the fuel to my soul anytime you're near I don't know why but you make me happy!! It's just,, I don't- I can't explain it but you're amazing and whatever your parents say about you fuck them. They don't know what they're saying cause they're obviously missing out.." Adam finally finished what he said and I was at a lost for words just stared at him trying to think of a worthy enough response.

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