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(Adam POV)

Nice little breezes as the birds chirp faintly with small snores. Soon small steps could be heard in the distance "Kia, Adam look what I fou-" Mira stopped in her tracks "oooh! This is even better!" She'd yell in excitement as an smile grew wider on her face. Surprised that Kia hasn't woke up yet "Ssh! It's been a long day for him if anything he needs this.."I whispered yelled back at her with a glare that had no bite behind it "What happened? Another panic attack?" Mira questioned with concern lacing in her tone and expression "Mhm, but this time I helped.. But, He told me why he was having them.. He stopped mid way cause he couldn't bare talking about the rest.. It was basically about family dispute orr domestic violence from what I'm getting..." "Adam... You know from what I'm hearing this is basically is that something terrible is going on at his house. He shouldn't be there anymore if things happen like that!" "I know I know, that's why I'm taking him over to my place for the time being" I'd respond while looking down at Kai "Ooooh so you're going to..... Kiss him?" Mira budged by elbowing me lightly with a huge grin on her face.
My face went red in response to that "N-NO!" Mira smirked "Yeah yeah... Stutter all you want, but It's getting dark. Text me later okay?" "Alright!"
As I stood up and pick Kai up in bridal style while making my way to my house. Eventually I made it there and opened the door "Mom I'm home!" "Welcome back!" I heard a response in the distance "Also I have a friend over thats sleeping over if thats okay!" "That's fine as long as their parents are okay with that."
Making my way to my room, Puddles following behind while putting Kai on my bed. "Hey puddles.." I'd say while kneeling down to pet him after a few pats Puddles left.
Looking back at Kai he seemed to be stirring in his dreams mumbling a little, I'd put some covers on him. My phone would vibrate while grabbing it from my pocket and look at who messaged me, Mira.

[Mira] Heyy so hows it going?
[Adam] Everything is going fine he's still sleeping
[Mira] did u give him a goodnight kiss?? ;))

My face turned red and shook my head as if she could see it.
[Adam] No.
[Mira] You should tho :)) but I hope Kia is going to be ok and goodnight dude!
[Adam] Goodnight

I'd glance over at Kia and put my phone down hearing his gentle snores made me drowsy. Soon after a good few minutes of sleeping I hear someone breathing heavy as if their trying to catch their breath. Slowly opening my eyes to see Kai crying with hiccups left and right while holding himself for dear life, he seemed so scared. Slowly getting up and hugging him while he flinched away tensing up "Kai, It's okay.. I'm here for you okay? Match your breath with mine. It's okay you're safe here.." I'd say, soon he calmed down eventually after trying to match his breath with mines "See you're okay, your at my place so you'll be fine. No one is going to hurt you.." Kai still seemed tense but more so calmed down he'd yawned under his breath slightly hesitant to respond back "But... M-my parents will know about me not being home.." "I know but you can't stay there anymore It's not safe anymore..." Kai stayed silent then finally glanced over at me with a small yet tired smile. His face covered in freckles like the stars in space.. "I really appreciate this Adam.."

His smile, literally everything he does can make my heart skip a beat. I love him and I don't want anything terrible happening to him.. "Anything for you, we should sleep." Kai nodded "But can you... still hug me? I-iff that's not weird with you.. It's understandable if youu don't want to I can just uhm go sleep elsewhere sorry-" "Kai, It's okay we can still sleep together and I'll hug you.." I'd respond offering a small smile back as we both began to lie down. Kai nestled closer to me while I outstretched my arms to engulf him into one of my best hugs as Kai wrapped his arms around mine. "Good night Adam.." He'd mumble from the drowsiness of his tone "Good night Kai.." I'd inch my head closer to his and offer a small kiss while we both slowly drifted into sleep..

Night Terrors (BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now