Another nightmare

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((Broo tysm for supporting me guys I really do appreciate it! Helps me write faster if I have the time to write)) READ AT YOUR OWN RISK IF YOU SENSITIVE TO READING ABUSE RELATED STUFF

Kai POV-

As I ran to my door and closed it a bunch of thoughts tackled me down. Should I lock the door?? Should I hide? What If I tell someone? All these thoughts lead to me only seeing a hand or some object being hit on me. Why am I not used to the yelling or my parents just being fake? I'd curl up into a ball and my thoughts went haywire until I heard a door slam and someone in a deep voice yell my name. Fuck. I'd quickly get up without thinking and lock the door and sit back down while curling up into a ball. I hated this, I hate my parents.
"KAI GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS ROOM OR I'LL MAKE YOU!!" Jeff, my father would bark at the door. I can't think straight, my heart is pounding and I'm shaking while the door is banging with such force it could bust open at any second. "I KNOW YOU HEAR ME OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR YOU SPOILED BRAT" After awhile it seemed he gave up I'd slowly sit up my head felt light and fuzzy god I need to sleep.. Slowly making my way to my bed I'd lay down and sigh heavily while looking up at the ceiling as I slowly closed my eyes.
Opening my eyes, I was still in my room. Confused at how dark it was, it was hard to see much until phosphorescent eyes appeared making their way to me "Didn't I tell you to keep the door unlocked?" My heart dropped, how did he get in!? I felt immense pain shock my body, I was getting beat. This continued on for what felt like hours as I screeched, I jumped out of my bed. Drenched in sweat, heart still pounding while beams of light rays peak threw. Another nightmare.. It felt was to real,  I heard a vibration from my bed I'm guessing that's my phone. I'd look at the messages it's from Adam? Wonder what he wants.

[Karate kid] Hey Kai I was wondering if you're wanted to go on another adventure with Mira!

Seemed like I was gazing at the message for to long as my fingers floated over the letters. I felt all of a sudden calm as if all my worries washed away once I saw this message.

[Fire boy] Sure! Where should be meet at?

[Karate kid] That rock we saw at the forest.

[Fire boy] Alright be there soon! :)

I'd smile at the lil chat, felt nice to talk to him. Looking around my room wondering if I should unlock the door. I need to, I have to take a shower and eat something at least.. Walking to the door felt like going to a new school and introducing yourself. I'd peak out the door, the rest of house seemed quite... To quite "Anyone there??" I would yell to only hear nothing sighing in relief and taking care of what I needed to do, take a shower, eat and go meet Adam and Mira! Once that was taken cared of I ran to my room and grabbed my phone and flew out the window to the entrance of the forest. Mira and Adam we're there of course.
Gotta hand it to them I really appreciate them alot..

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