Consequences that aren't needed

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Kai POV-

I head my mom yelling, probably yelling at me to wake up of course... Wait, how did I get in my house!? I frantically got up utter confused "OKAY MOM I'M UP... jezz" I'd mumble the last part while rubbing my eyes. "Kai! Get down here!" She'd yell again it was utterly uncomfortable talking with her or being in her presence and it's worse with him around..
I'd rush down stares and glance around, thanksgiving decorations here and there. This feels familiar... "Mom?" "It's Matilda." She'd say as I quickly turned around "Yes, Matilda?" It felt weird calling her that, why can't I call you mom? I'm your child after all.. "Today is thanksgiving. I need you on your best behavior cause your parent's friends will be over later on to celebrate with us and others. If you do something that you know we won't tolerate, consequences will be in hands by your father." "Y-yes Mo-Matilda.." I'd reply feeling a chill up my spine.
"Go get ready they'll be here around four." Id hum while nodding and rushing to the shower. How long have I've been asleep for anyway..?


After getting ready and sit down on my bed, what happened yesterday? It all seemed like a blur near the end.. Me and Adam were waiting for Mira, then we went to the nice forest.. Why can't I remember what else?? That's when I heard to firm knocks from my door "It's opened!" I'd slightly shout and to my surprise Adam and Mira came in "Hey Adam and Mira!" I'd say with a smile. Concern seemed to be written all over their face while they sat beside me while I raised an eyebrow in confusion, Adam sighed "Kai we're sorry about what happened yesterday we didn't mean to bring something bad up" I'd tilt my head in confusion "What are you guys talking about?" Both of their faces had more concern.
"Kai, you had a panic attack... It worsened near the end and you just blacked out.." Mira said.
Well that doos explain everything, I'd sigh "Oh.. We'll uhh sorry for concerning you guys about it..." God this felt uncomfortable talking about this looking around to look at something else other than Mira and Adam "Can we... do something else than talk about this?" I'd ask I feel like such a wimp for not just telling them then and there. "..Sure, how about we play one of your video games?" Adam asked I'd smile with a nod.
After handing them the controller everything seemed pretty fun, laughing and teasing every now and then I love things like this. No bad feels nothing terrible can happen. Soon, the party was over after we ate and had to say goodbye to the two. I wish this could have lasted longer.. As I wave bye to them one last time as they leave I'd chuckle a bit "Kai." Lord what mood killer that tone of voice can be, a chill down my spine is all I need to quickly turn around to see Matilda towering over me. "Yes Matilda?" "Your room is fucking messy, what did I say about that last time?" "...For It not to be messy... But mo- Matilda my friends came ove-" "Is this back talk I hear!?" Her voice raised. Nothing good was going to happen only a terrible outcome "And what did I say about you calling me Mom or Mother!? You can't do anything right without getting corrected or a good hit would teach you better. That's alright though your father will be here soon to take care of that shit instead of me doing this. Go to your room." "Y-yes ma'am" My heart dropped I hate when he's here, he's only here for two things and. nothing great.

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