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"My name..."

"It's Jungkook"


Taehyung's mind went blank as he processed the words of the younger.

"Your...name.. is" he trailed off

"Jungkook. It's... yeah its Jungkook." Pride- or Jungkook as Taehyung now knows- says slowly.

Taehyung nods in slow motion as his eyes stare past the raven haired man, trying to collect his thoughts.

Jungkook watches the blonde nervously, a headache forming in his temples as his mind screams at him.

Why would you tell him that?!

That's confidential!

Your father said to NEVER reveal your true identity.

Your father told you to destroy your old self when you become a Sin.

He said it was just a weakness, he said it was unnecessary.

You never told anyone else your name.

Why the hell would you tell the one person that you're so confused about?!

On the outside Jungkook keeps a cool demeanor but his heart is beating a million times a second, so fast the man is sure Taehyung can hear it.

Beauty and the beast... A small part of Jungkooks brain chimes in

That's a fairy tale for children, you cannot seriously believe this idiot is your 'knight in baggy pants.'

...I could hope

To say Taehyung was surprised would be an incredible understatement.

He has no idea how to begin to approach the subject of the malevolent, terrifying "monster" Pride, telling him his true name, and actually suspiciously vulnerable.

In fact, Taehyung begins to get mad.

Who did this man think he was?!

He hurt and bullied Taehyung, and now thinks he can just act all nice and open with no questions asked?

"Okay... so Jungkook." The tanned male begins, the foreign name rolling awkwardly off his tongue.

But to Jungkook, hearing his own name coming out of the boy's mouth, hearing his name said with that sweet, low voice, was like the most beautiful music.

Not that he'd admit that out loud.

But who knows? So far he's already admitted far too much to the other man.

The taller is shaken from his thoughts when Taehyung clears his throat aggressively before continuing his statement.

Taehyung stares determinately at the figure across from himself.

"Who are you?" He says clearly, an interrogatory tone to his words.

Jungkook simply stares at the beauty in front of him, confused.

"Wha-?" He starts.

"I mean, first you terrorize me, you break my finger, you threaten me and tell me to stay away. And now you let me inside your room, invite me to sit down and tell me your name?!" He exclaims, his hands gesturing wildly.

The End |tk| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now