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Hello everyone, before we begin Id like to say;

Things are tough in the world right now and we need to be doing something about it.

What was done to George Floyd was irredeemable and inhumane, as is the underlying and now more than ever apparent racism that lies in the United States.

Black lives matter. If you have any issues at all with this statement please unfollow me and find a different book, I will not associate with anyone who wants to try and lessen the visibility of #blacklivesmatter

Please go to my conversations tab on my profile and click the links, there you sign petitions to get justice. Please also consider donating to the memorial of George Floyd.

Thank you for your time, now enjoy the story.

Everything's falling,
All of it is crashing,
Falling down on me,
-Falling (Day6)

Jungkooks eyes peeled open, eyelids sticking together a bit as his tears had dried over them.

Memories of the events that transpired at what was supposed to be an announcement to bring peace to the kingdom.

He remembers the rioters flooding the stands and the stage, grabbing each Sin and chaining them, leaving them all defenseless and even possibly harmed.

He remembers the sight of Taehyung with an arrow lodged in his clavicle.

Jungkook would never be able to accurately describe the emotions thrust into his mind seeing the pained expression in his love's face. It was like hearing your parent had died before you could tell them you love them. Like building a house with your own two hands and watching it be set ablaze. As if you were reunited with your soulmate for the first time in years, feeling the love of one another and basking in their glow before they tell you they only have months to live. Like watching the sun set and being told it's the last one you'll ever see...

That's the closest Jungkook could describe it as.

Hopelessness, loss, a deep, horrific unknowing abyss of fear.

He curled his arms around himself as he took a moment to examine his surroundings.

He didn't recognize where he was, it was a sort of prison cell but not one of the kingdoms personal jails.

The wet and mossy cobblestone glistened a depressing grey in the light of one half burnt out candle. Smoke sizzling upwards, clouding the moldy ceiling that sat only about 5 feet high, much too short to stand at full height in.

Jungkook let go of himself to abruptly turn around, sensing someone behind him in the tiny cage.

His vision softened as he saw the dimly illuminated faces of the other Sins, including Taehyung.

Jungkook released a breathe he didn't know he had been holding when he sees Taehyung, unconscious on Jin's lap, arrow no longer in his chest. Taehyung's shirt has been unbuttoned and pulled to the side a bit so Jungkook can clearly see the makeshift bandage covering his torso.

The End |tk| ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now