Chapter 9: I'm Back!

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Damiyla's POV

After we got everything ready we pack the kids clothes and and off we went. I was a little nervous but i had my loving mate and my three beautiful children and my new family with me, actually I consider them as my only family they showed me what love is and they taught me how to love myself, that's family. 

"We're pulling up now babe do you want to stand behind us with the kids or get out all together" tristen said. "lets do it together hon" i said with a smirk i couldn't want to so see the look on their faces. pay back is a bitch and they are gone to get theirs. As we pulled up i couldn't help but see Kevin and the pack's whore together holding hands. "Is that a mate's mark i see on her neck?" i thought sarcasticly  

This is gone to be so much fun "boys don't forget the stuff in the trunk" I said to Aaron and Shawn through our mind-link. "we got it" they said together. i don't know how long it's gone to take for that not to be creepy its like their thinking the same thing weirdos i thought to myself. 

then i heard some chuckles and snickers. huh i guess i didn't block the pack. "sorry boys you guys know i love you" i said with the puppy dog face. they could never deny the puppy dog face. "its ok sis" they said yes i mentally did a fist pump i knew they would forgive me. "ok everyone lets get this over with Daniel and David get over here Damiyla get Ni and lets introduce our selves" Tristen said in the alpha voice even though it never worked with me we all went and did as he said.

"Welcome pack's i know your all confused on what your doing here but we will explain that later after introducions, ok Blood Pack you first Alpha, Luna, and Beta after them the Shattered pack" the head alpha said in his loud alpha voice that even if you wanted to refuse you couldn't.

Tristen was the first to speak "Hello i'm Alpha Jones this is my Luna Damiyla and our beautiful children Daniel,David and Nilima and my Beta Tom" after he was done Kevin started to speak "hey I'm Alpha Harris this is my Luna Selena and my Beta John" after all the packs finished the introductions Kevin walked over to us. "Hey you said your mate name was Damiyla right?" he asked Tristen "yes what is it to you" "oh nothing i just was wondering a couple years ago one of our pack members by the same name ran away, we never found out why" he said

"is this asshole serious "we never found out why" let me out i'm gone to kill him" my wolf yelled in my head "Kaila you need to calm down i'm holding Ni in my hands and she could get hurt if we shift with her in our hands" i said calmly even though i was anything but.

i decide to just come out and say it "yes i am Damiyla Wolfe but after me and my mate got married i changed my name, like my husband said what is it to you?' i said his eyes got big"D-Damiyla?..." yes what do you want" i answered i was getting bored "can we leave now hon" i said to Tristen in our Mate-link "yea come on" "if you would excuse us we have somewhere to go" tristen said pushing Kevin out the way 

"i just want you to know it took everything in my not to snap his neck" tristen said to me with his eyes black. "Calm down babe he will get his" i said rubbing his arm up and down.

After everyone was settled in we all went down to eat "Aaron, Shawn phase one get the laxative out" i said through our mind link "now this was gone to be fun" i thought

"ill be the distraction ya'll put it in there food leave none of their plates untouched" i said "got you sis" they said together. now this is where my babies come in to play i told them we were playing hid and seek and to find an awesome place to hide and don't come out till i find them. 1 2 3 action

"OMG HAS ANYONE SEEN THE TWINS" I yelled out loud everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to me" HAS ANYONE SEE MY BABIES" I said with a freaked out look on my face. everyone started muttering no's and haven't seen them's "well could ya'll help my pack look for them, they never ran off for this long" i snickered in my had this was so worth it. "are the kids really missing" Tristen asked in our mate-link "no but go alone with it babe" i said back to him

we all started looking and 10 minutes later the boys mind-linked me and said "misson complete"  we found the boys two minutes later under Tristen's and I bed. after everything we all went to eat i couldnt wait to see their faces 

after the head Alpha said the grace everyone dug in but i waited "babe you ok" tristen asked "oh yea hon i'm cool" i said as i started to eat. i couldn't look at the twins because then our cover would be blown so we just had to wait. the box said the pills would kick in after five minutes, me and the twins counted down in our mind link after five minutes was up one by one they started to drop their forks or spoons.

i had to bite my lip to stop from laughing as all of the Shattered Pack got up and ran to the bathroom. i knew if i looked at the twins it would be over but i couldn't help it i had to see their facial expressions.after i looked at them i started to die laugh me and the twins were holding our stomachs as we heard Shattered pack running to every bathroom other packs were looking at us like we were crazy but we finally pulled our self together and finished eating.

when everyone was done eating and said their good nights me and the twins got together and wanted to finish our plan before we went to bed

"do you have the hair dye" i said to both of them

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