Chapter 7 Playing Games By Eriya

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"You know button mashing won't work every time."

Rora continued to rapidly mash buttons as she sat cross-legged on the floor next to Mindi. "Shut up, Mindi, that's all you do." Her and Mindi were in Round 3 of a Mortal Kombat match for the ages. Everyone in the House had taken sides based on a history that neither Ari nor I had any clue about. Ari and I had taken Rora's side of the couch with Rubi who had just gotten back from hiring contractors to fix the damage we had caused over the past couple of days. On the left of the couch sat Nikorasu, Shirubia, and Seshy in support of Mindi. Seshy had told me that Mindi was a beast at fighting games and almost instantly Rora had challenged her. There was no way I was about to bet against a determined Rora, though.

Mindi's character landed a Brutality after a smooth combo. "Rora if you don't take that back, Imma make you pay."

Rora button mashed furiously and her character responded by bobbing up and down and kicking at air. "Bill me, bi—"

"Rora!" Rubi warned. "Language."

"Oh come on," Rora whined. "It's not like they have swear police during the Rating Games."

"Sometimes I wish they did," Nik muttered without looking up from his phone.

"Yeah so they can police what you have on your phone?" Shirubia said. She reached over and with electric speed snatched Nik's phone out of his hand and started scrolling through his feed. She immediately started laughing. "You know there's an incognito setting on here for a reason, right?"

"Ooh lemme see," Mindi perked up after landing another juggling combo. Shirubia couldn't contain her laughter as Nik argued and tried to force the phone out of her hand. They wrestled violently for control over the device and Seshy was left to fend for herself next to them. Shirubia kept her steel grip on Nik's phone and tossed it to Mindi who caught it and proceeded to play with one hand and snoop with the other. Luckily Nik's privacy screen kept me from seeing what made even Mindi blush.

"Dang, at least wait til we're all asleep for—Hey what the...?" Mindi tossed Nik's phone aside as she realized that Rora was about to win against all odds.

"Told you to pay up," Rora said, just as she finished Mindi off with a string of the same two punches back to back until Mindi's character Kitana finally started to sway, and everyone on Rora's side got riled up.

"FINISH HER!" Rora and Ari yelled, making Rubi and I chuckle to ourselves. The fatality that followed splattered so much gore all over the screen that I scrunched up at the sight.

"Alright alright you got me there," Mindi conceded. She held up her hands in defeat. "I better see that when the actual Games come around next week."

Everyone else nodded while me and Ari sat there lost. "Y'all must be playing an MK tournament next week or something."

"Ha, I actually thought you were serious," Mindi laughed. When she looked at my very serious face she turned fully around to face me. "Oh you're actually serious."

"Seshy told me and I'm still confused," Ari admitted.

"I thought I explained the Rating Games pretty good," Seshy muttered, looking distraught at her lack of teaching skills.

"Well let me try to explain it to both of you," Rubi said. She sat up and adjusted her high-waisted denim shorts and surfer T-shirt so she could be more comfortable. "The Rating Games are a competition held annually between different Houses that decide to participate in friendly competition against each other. I say friendly only because we all want the best for each other as fellow Angels; the competition is taken almost as seriously as SEC football games."

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