Chapter 10 Rora vs Mindi By Ari

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"Keep your hands up, Ari!" yelled Rora, "you gotta keep your hands up and your body low."

We were outside on the community owned tennis court near Rubi's House. It was near 1 o'clock at night and the little speckles of stars were dispersed among the night sky. The air was cold and cutting like a newly sharpened blade, making my breath into a barely visible white cloud. It was so surprising how cold it could be during the night in Florida. Rora was firing tennis balls at me with a tennis ball cannon. The tennis balls were flying at me at nearly 90 mph and I was expected to dodge the oncoming projectiles. Mindi was standing beside Rora with her arms crossed. Focused on what they were doing, I almost forgot to notice a ball zipping through the air right towards my face. I easily dodged it and beckoned for more to be shot.

"Come on guys," I laughed as another ball flew by my head. "This is way too easy."

Rora stopped the machine and looked at Mindi with a funny face. Mindi laughed and they both looked at me.

"So you think you're ready huh," asked Rora chuckling.

"No doubt, no doubt," I said confidently.

"Ok bet," Rora laughed. "He's all yours, Mindi."

I tried to look at Mindi to see what she would do, but she wasn't beside Rora anymore. Fear riddled my body as I searched for Mindi. Rora was leaning on the machine while she laughed at me. I turned around and out of nowhere Mindi was right behind me and she kicked me in the bend behind my knee with her booted foot. I scrambled to my feet and put my hands up.

"You said you're ready, right?" Rora called, smiling. "Show me and keep them hands up will ya."

I had my hands up but I was slightly afraid of sparring Mindi. We hadn't fought before so I had no idea about her fighting style. Before I could even finish my thoughts, Mindi swung at my head with a powerful punch that shifted the air. I ducked out of the way only to be knocked to the ground with a hook kick. I didn't notice that after the punch she used her momentum to turn around and throw a kick. Mindi was too fast for me to notice anything she was really doing. The heavy boot she wore gave an accent to pain as everything went black for a slight moment. While the brightness of the court lights pierced through my eyelids, I raised my hand to shield the light only to see the silhouettes of Rora and Mindi standing over me.

"Yeah ... you really weren't ready," laughed Rora. "Do you want to show him how it's supposed to go, Mindi?"

"I don't know, Rora," Mindi faked as if she was puzzled. "Maybe we should."

The girls helped me up, each grabbing one hand and pulling me up onto my feet.

"Let's show him how it's really done," answered Rora.

The girls and I walked back to Rubi's House, partially so they could have room to fight and partially because they didn't want the public to see them. I was so stoked to see the battle commence in the huge backyard of Rubi's House. I sat down in the cool, nighttime grass with my arms propping me up. Each single blade, covered in very early morning dew, tickled my hands as I finally got a rest from training. It was going to be so exciting watching the girls fight. I thought about getting some popcorn for the entertainment but the show was about to start.

"READY MINDI?" Rora called out to Mindi, who was about 90 yards away.

"YEAH. I'M READY," she responded.

"LET'S GIVE HIM A SHOW!" Rora exclaimed.

Just as the words left Rora's mouth Mindi's bright, white wings materialized quickly and she propelled herself in Rora's direction. Rora then deployed her own; her wings were slightly bigger than Mindi's, most likely because of the body size difference, however, Rora seemed to fly faster than Mindi. Mindi and Rora's wings suddenly vanished about 80 yards in, only to run at each other for 10 yards. Once upon each other, neither stopped running. Rora slid into a leg sweep and Mindi easily dodged with the most graceful aerial over her. Time seemed to be in slow-motion at this moment. The moment of graceful perfection soon ended as Mindi slipped on her back leg and the momentum carried her back more. She fell on her butt, yet she jumped to her feet.

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