Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Stephanie Meyer

 Chapter 10: The Extremely Long Wait

While Sethius was gabbling on about his new motorbike to Gabrielle, I was biting my nails in distress. Was I the only one that cared about Vlad? Was I the only one who couldn’t stop thinking about the results? What if Vladimir didn’t survive? An hour or two passed. The only thing I could contemplate was the worst and if I had to wait any longer, I would be in a hospital with bandages around my fingers from biting my nails.

I looked at them; they were bleeding and raw. Compared to Vladimir, this was nothing. I ignored the throbbing pain in my ruined fingernails and stood up.

“Do you guys care at all about Vladimir?” I yelled frustrated at my so called ‘friends’.

The head surgeon walked out. The grim look on her face told me everything. I ran over to her.

“Is he dead?” I asked. I felt my heart sink as I heard her reply in slow motion.

She nodded, paused and sighed, gazing at me like I was a helpless little human. For a moment I actually felt like one too. It was like my heart was on a rollercoaster.  The expression on my face switched from hopeful to confused to just plain angry. I collapsed into her arms followed by a flood of tears. Surprised by my reaction, she tightened her arms around me.

“I’m very sorry for your loss.” She whispered in my ear as she released me.

“I know how you feel,” she continued, sitting on the seat behind us, “I lost my daughter when she was just a little older than you.

She had cancer. They did everything they could but…It was awful but I got through it thanks to the support of my family and friends. What about your family and friends, do they know?”

“Well, my family…um…” I started tearing up again.

“Ahh…I see, I’m sorry”


“Oh it’s Riley.”

“Well, Riley, Vladimir gave me this to give to you just before he died. He said it was very important that I gave it to you. He left me with a name, Alice Austen.” My new friend said as she handed me a parcel.

It was a small, rather lumpy package. Hesitating, I thanked the surgeon and wandered slowly towards my friends. They were still having a conversation.

“…guys? Vladimir is dead.” I frowned, they just weren’t listening. “HEY GABRIELLE, SETHIUS…SHUT UP! HOW CAN YOU BE SO HAPPY WHILE MY BROTHER, YOUR FRIEND, IS DEAD? Gabrielle looked at me and said, “He wasn’t my friend, I hardly knew him.” I glanced over at Sethius, “Geez, I’m sorry okay?” He stared up at me like a lost sheep and then continued talking.


“WHAT?” They said together.

“Sethius gave me this.” I showed it to them.

“Give me that.” Sethius yanked it out of my hands.

I didn’t argue.

He tried to read the message on the parcel.

“They appear to be symbols.” Sethius asserted observably.

“What kind of symbols?” I enquired.

“I don’t know.”

“Well find out!” I felt like I was being a little bit harsh even if he did deserve it.

“Follow me, we’re going.” Sethius ordered after examining the mysterious bundle a while longer


“Just do it!” He yelled.

“I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me where we are going.” Gabrielle declared insubordinately.

“FINE! We are going to the library. Now, please hop in the car.”

Mimicking his voice in a higher tone, Gabrielle leaped into the car. Sethius gave her an aloof glare. I know she deserved it but I still felt sorry for her. That feeling vanished as quickly as it had come when she yanked me hurriedly into the car just before Sethius pulled out of the car park. I just hoped he knew what he was doing. We arrived at the library fifteen minutes later. Gabrielle, Sethius and I walked up to the front desk.

“Yes, how may I be of service to you today?” She said. I noticed her nametag: Marianne.

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