Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Stephanie Meyer

Chapter 6: Found Nowhere

I sprinted home quickly after some serious thinking. Everyone was gathered at the main table in the dining room. Suddenly, they were serene.

“Have any of you seen Sethius? I have to talk to him!” I asked everyone.

A loud chorus of “Noooooooooooooooooooo,” greeted me.

The rest of them stared at me like they thought I was a human.

“We saw him two minutes ago, he was looking for you. He asked me something, I blinked, and he vanished because the lights went out by accident, probably from a storm or something,” said a boy about my age.

“Thank you, thank you so much!” I was so grateful; at least if he was dead, he looked for me instead of Fran.

Just as I thought about her, she paced over to me slowly.

“You do know that boy was reading your thoughts,” Fran whispered to me, “he is a lying cheat on legs.”

“How do I know you are not trying to control my thoughts and make me forget Sethius?”

“You just have to trust me. He was here one minute and the next, the lights went out, and he vanished.”

“We have to find him!”

Just as I was about to pull Fran out the door and show her where we should start looking, the lights turned off. Everyone started to scream. Confused and exhausted, I glanced up to the dim glow that was coming from the clock; the time was 12:00 on the dot. I didn’t know that vampires were afraid of the dark or the time.

“We are not afraid of the dark or the time; the master of all vampires is among us and we have to scream to make her go away. So start screaming.”

Furthermore, the thought of screaming was not on my list of things to do so I decided to leave.

“Wait,” someone called over the screaming, “Do you want to find Sethius?”

I nodded wildly. “The master of all vampires is the one who captured him; does that change your mind?” I screamed as loud as I could.

All of a sudden, the lights came back on.

“Is she gone?” I looked around; people were hiding under tables, in cupboards, behind furniture and under blankets.

“BEHIND YOU!” one of Sethius’s mates said at the top of his voice. I spun around to see a very pretty looking vampire.

She was magnificent. Her rubicund eyes stood out against her flowing black hair. She seemed to be floating in the air as she reached out for me; an offer that I wanted to accept. People’s voices faded into the background and all I could see, hear, and smell was this supposedly dangerous vampire who looked perfectly harmless to me. She smiled, her snowy white teeth sparkling in the early morning sun. I looked around; one thing faded into another. I seemed to be in a trance. The mesmerizing laugh of my enemy was as soft as cotton candy but I was roped in even more when I saw the extremely faint shadow of Sethius.

“SETHIUS?” I yelled into the mysterious, gloomy, smoky darkness.

It was pitch black and the dazzling bloodsucker had disappeared. Suddenly, I could hear a muffled wailing sound. It sounded like it was nearby. The howling lead into a loud moaning and groaning sound. It sounded like Sethius and it sounded like he was in pain. Then all at once, my bad memories that I had tried to forget came flooding back to me. A shadow, a bright light and a girl, screaming. “FRAN?” It was getting louder and closer.

These illusions were infuriating me. My chest grew tighter. My heart felt like it was being squashed. I was dying.

The light flashed in my eyes again. I woke up with a start.

“SETHIUS!” I yelled.

I looked around and my memories came back to me. A black figure was bent over on the other side of the room. I couldn’t quite see who it was but it almost looked like, “VLADIMIR?”

The black figure whipped around straight away. Still not able to see its face, he started to stride towards me. I could see he was wearing a black hood. He pulled it down. I was right, it was Vladimir. “You saved me.” I whispered hoarsely.

He nodded.

“I’m sorry I ran away.” I continued.

He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

It’s okay.” He murmured.

I nodded and started to cry. A wave of sadness washed over me.

“Am I dead?” I uttered.

He shook his head. I was relieved.

“Where am I then?” I asked as he motioned for me to lie down.

He drew a needle with a point so sharp, I started sobbing again. He plunged it into my upper arm. I screamed and screeched and howled but the pain would not go away. Then it occurred to me: why was I here?

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