Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Stephanie Meyer

Chapter 4: The Forest


“Wait! Let me explain!” Dad bellowed after me.

I didn’t care if he had a good explanation or not, I just wanted to leave. I ran out the door, brushing past my stepsiblings. I didn’t know where I was going but wherever it was I was sure it would be better than dealing with my family issues. The wind was shrill in my ears, the trees were rushing past. I ran faster. At one stage, it felt like I would never stop. I wanted my old life back.

 A month ago, I was a normal, happy, growing teenager with two ordinary, loving, caring parents that spoilt me rotten. I sunk into a heap on the corner of my street. Tears swelled up in my eyes and seeped down my face. I could sense Darcy’s eyes on me. Why couldn’t I have just left Fran while I had the chance and let her die?” I spluttered.

“Maybe because you are a good friend!” She shot back.

I got up and ran again. This time I ran so fast that everything was a blur and I couldn’t see anything. Fran was right behind me, a guilty conscience.

“You can’t run from your fears you know.” She called over the loud noises of birds, animals and other creatures. I sighed. I stopped and turned around. She was gone. Did I imagine that conversation? I was standing in the middle of the forest.

“You led me here didn’t you?” I yelled into the darkness.

“It was my destiny wasn’t it?” I pouted angrily, as I positioned myself on a log. Where is Sethius when you need him? Maybe if I used my power I could lure him into the forest and persuade him to save me. Why didn’t I think of that before? I wondered. I cleared my mind, focused on Sethius and thought about where I was, why I was here and that I needed help straight away.

Within half an hour Sethius was rescuing me but just as he was about to dump me in his car, Liliana knocked him to the ground. “Get in the car, NOW!” Sethius yelled urgently. I could hear the panic in his voice so I decided not to argue but I feared how strong the evil vampire was compared to my friend, Sethius. I climbed in anyway, shut the windows, and locked the doors. Liliana took advantage of the time Sethius was talking to me by punching him in the nose. Blood ran down his face.

 It wasn’t like anything I had ever seen before. It was a soft baby blue. Sapphire covered his anxious face. He didn’t give up. He punched Liliana in the mouth. Blood flew everywhere. He seized the chance to finish her off. He grabbed a stick on the ground and drove it through Liliana’s heart. I covered my eyes but I could almost feel the pain on Liliana’s face. She was dead. I quickly unlocked and opened the doors, opened the windows and watched as Sethius jogged over to me completely uninjured.

“Thank you.” I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.

“What was that for?” He questioned. There was an awkward silence.

“I really like you.” I whispered.

“I don’t know how to tell you this but I already have a girlfriend. I am really sorry.”

“That is totally fine, it was just an idea.” I lied as I held back my tears.

“We can still be friends right? Are we cool?”

“Yeah.” I said as he asphyxiated me in a cuddle.

We hopped in the car. I was in the passenger seat and Sethius was driving.

“So where's my drink bottle?” my thirsty frenzy had stopped but now it was back. When he handed it to me I skulled it.

An hour later, we arrived at Sethius’s house. His friends were there to greet us. Everyone hugged us except for Fran who was standing in a corner, sulking. He eyes glinted in the mid afternoon sun. I couldn’t believe we were ever friends. She jogged over to Sethius and pulled him over to the far side of the room. Sethius threw me a pleading look which said to stay there and that they were having a private conversation but not about me.

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