Step dad

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Jimin's step dad just happen to be one of the hottest guys he ever met. He was even hotter when he was calling out jimin's name in the shower.

Namjoon was walking into his new home, not expecting anyone to be home. So, he did his usual shower...well..I wouldn't say usual.

You see, namjoon was secretly bisexual and secretly had a thing for his step son, and every once and while he get would get off in the shower at the thought of him.

Now your probably thinking that doing something like that is completely disgusting, but namjoon saw nothing wrong with it. As long as no one found out of course. So, right now namjoon was eagerly undressing himself as he thought about jimin's ass.

At this point namjoon was already jacking himself off, continusly thinking about the boys lips, ass, thighs, everything about him. How he would moan out in annoyence when doing his homework. He thought about his flexible body when he dances, how his toes would curl when he was cold, his innocent face when sucking on a cherry popsicle.

Namjoon was addicted to the Park Jimin. Was addicted to his voice, body, his everything. He wanted him. No..he needed him. In his mind he knew he fucking craved Park Jimin.

Ah~ jimin~

Namjoon's deep moans and grunts filled the whole house. It was impossible to not hear his needy whines. You would think namjoon was a 4 year old begging for some candy, but instead he is a 29 year old grown man begging for his step son.

Jimin's pov:

Ah~ jimin~

"Namjoon...?" Did my step dad just moan my name, he couldn't have. I must be hearing things. There's no way... although.. the shower is running. Oh my god! He is jacking off thinking about me...holy shit...that's..that's fucking hot!

I need to see the state he is in...I need to see him. Oh my god...are my feet moving! Am I actually going to see if he is jacking off to me? Oh fuck...I am.

As jimin walked closer to the bathroom he could definitely hear the soft pants and grunts of the man. "Holy fucking shit..."

Ahh~ jimin~

Jimin couldn't help but feel aroused, it was obvious he had a thing for his step dad. I mean....who wouldn't? The man made all the women and men fall to there knees, begging for his love.

But all jimin could think about was the man behind the curtain, moaning his name. It seems that namjoon was the one begging now.

"D-dad...?" A soft "s-shit" could be heard under his breath as he coughed slightly. "Yeah...jimin?" "I just need to pee" "but there's other bathrooms" "well I like this bathroom" "uhhh okay then."

And jimin was walking in. "I won't be long daddy...fuck...I mean dad" jimin mentally slapped himself in the face for accidentally revealing his biggest kink...and to his step dad to.

"Jimin are you's been awhile" "y-yeah...just thinking..." "What about? Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine! I just...was thinking about...stuff." "it's okay if you don't wanna say it to-" "willl you fuck me?" "W-what...?"

Jimin was opening the curtain, namjoon gasping and covering himself up. "Jimin!" But, jimin was already on his knees cupping namjoon's thighs "come on...I heard please fuck me." "Jimin...we can't-" "no one is home! It's just us... please" jimin begs with pleading puppy dog eyes and a cute lil' pout.

"Jimin..." "Please!" "Fine...."

And with that jimin was already sucking namjoon. "Ah~ f-fuck!" All that was heard were the sloppy sounds of jimin sucking namjoon off, and namjoon groaning at his actions.

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