Officer Jeon

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Jimin was the prison's slut, and he couldn't help himself when he saw Officer Jeon.

"Jimin" Officer Kim sighed out, crossing his arms as he he gave a stern glare twords the smaller male. "What" he said, total brat in his voice. His words stung like burning acid. "Jimin, I thought I told you about persuading the cops to sleep with you. You've gotten twelve fired already!" Namjoon couldn't help but raise his voice, the prison was losing cops. And that was something they most definitely didn't need.

Jimin rolled his eyes, soon smirking. "Who are you to talk, I've given you head about a thousand times. Does Jin know?" Namjoon immediately tensed up, and stuttered. Damn, jimin wasn't dumb at all.  "W-well whatever..." he mumbled, and jimin knew he won this battle. Jimin just didn't know when to quit.

"Jimin, I think I know someone who will be able to handle you." Jimin's ears twitched, and a stupid, but beautiful smile plastered his face. Namjoon was weak. Jimin loved it.

"I think I should see Jin, he might be curious of to where I am" namjoon said, and jimin smirked. "You want a quick suck?" The officer just smacked the cell bars as a warning, and jimin immediately shut up. Although, he didn't mind seeing the way namjoon got mad. It was best having rough and angry sex with the male, jimin's stomach flutters as he thought about the previous night.

"Hey Jungkook, their is a prisoner I want you to meet." The cop raised his brow, "it's not taehyung is it?
Last time I saw him I was almost raped." Jungkook half joked. Namjoon just chuckled, visioning the scene in his head. "No, it's not taehyung. It's someone called jimin."

Jungkook made a face of curiosity, "I believe I've heard the name before. Some cops were talking about how sexy he was." I mean, they had a point. "I can imagine, the dude is truly a sex god. Swear his mouth was made for taking cock, he was born that way." Jungkook tensed, "you fucked him?"  Namjoon shook his head, and jungkook hummed. "Don't worry I won't tell Jin" namjoon let out a breath of relief, no way was he trying to get fired.

(If you're confused, namjoon and Jin are not together. Jin is the owner of the prison.)

It has been about two days since Namjoon mentioned this jimin guy, which was weird considering he was straight. Was namjoon trying to change jungkook's sexuality? Possibly not...right?

He decided to ask namjoon himself.

"Hey nams, how come you want me to patrol this jimin person?" Namjoon just smiled, "I'm glad you asked. It's because since your straight, you won't end up fucking him like the rest. So, I thought you'd be perfect for watching him. But be careful, what jimin wants he gets."

Jungkook gulped. Maybe this jimin guy is like a taehyung, hell, he may be worse. Ever since jimin has came to this prison, he has heard non stop talk about how great the boy is at taking dick. I mean, he got pretty much every officer fired for fucking him. Jungkook was honestly a little curious, he wanted to see how good everyone says he is. But he doesn't think much about it, I mean, he's straight after all. What could jimin possibly have over him?

It was a usual friday. Taehyung has to get whipped again my his main officer, and Jungkook is bored as hell. "I wonder what jimin looks like?" He thinks, it's kinda weird actually. He's been working here for three years, and has never seen the guy. Well he did work one the second floor, not the first.

Jungkook sighs out, of course namjoon is out. The poor guy randomly took a sick day, and you could tell it wasn't some shit show. The guy actually looked like death itself, Jungkook felt bad for him.

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