Tea party

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Yoongi was one of the richest princess, and namjoon was there to be her prince. Well, what happens when that her may not be one at all?

Min Yoongi.

A beautiful baby boy. He was absolutely everything Mr and Mrs Min asked for. Yoongi thought his life was perfect, that was until one day his mother ordered the maids to go out and buy women's dresses for the boy. At the time he was only 13, and his mother had changed...a lot.

She now forced the male to act as if he was a female, even changed his pronouns and name outside of the castle. Yoongi, or yoonji, was in utter shock. He couldn't believe he was forced into being something he's not, that being a female.

The woman even forced yoongi into liking men, wich wasn't difficult since yoongi was in fact in love with only boys. He identifys as gay, but because his mother sees him as a girl, he is straight. It absolutely makes him disgusted. Now, don't think that yoongi is against people being different from there assigned gender. Because he isn't, he's just not like that portion of people.

"Yoonji darling! It's time to try on your new corsets my dear, mommy picked out some beautiful black ones just for you!" Yoongi made a face of disgust, those corsets felt like shit. But he wouldn't let his mother, nor anyone, know that.

"Coming mother! I'll be down in a sec, let me tidy up a bit."  And by that he ment push up the fake breasts his mom ordered him to wear. Yoongi came down the stairs, only to be met with his mom, two maids, and what seemed to be a sewing boy.

Well I wouldn't say boy, because this "boy" was looking like a whole ass man. As yoongi came down the stairs, he fanned himself. Totally not because the sight of this male made him a little flustered, what are talking about?

The taller male reached his hand out to yoongi, and he hid his face into the fan. "Princess, I'm here to be your sewing boy. The other, jimin, is on vacation with his boyfriend right now." Yoongi nodded his head, and showed his face a little. To wich the male smiled at, making yoongi hide his face again.

"Aw sweetie don't be embarrassed, he's just being friendly that's all." Yoongi nodded again, and slowly put the fan down. "My name is Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." The smaller male bowed, and namjoon bowed back. "Well I'm pretty sure you already know me, so I guess there's no need to introduce myself." Namjoon chuckled, "no i guess not."

Yoongi's mother looked around the rack full of hanging corsets, and finally picked out a lacy pink one. "Here we are, I know you don't like pink. But, this one will look pretty against your pale skin." Yoongi only hummed, and shyly looked away as the sewing boy measured his waist.

"31.2 inches madame." The woman nodded her head, and brought out the standing closet. "Yoonji, your going on a diet. The female waist shouldn't be this big. You have to be fragile and petite." Yoongi felt like he wanted to cry, he was tired of being seen as someone he isn't.

"Yes madame, I'll go on a diet."

"Good girl."

Yoongi sighed once he hit his bed, he shut his eyes and slowly drifted off...

Namjoon trailed his long fingers across Yoongi's lips, he gasped. The two digits now entering his wet cavern. He breathed in out at a harsh pace, and namjoon had to place his hand on yoongis heart to stop it from beating so rapidly. "Yoongi, your skin is like sweet vanilla, it's the only sweetness I want touching my tounge." His words were like a nice lemonade, the lemon taste deepening your senses as the sun beats down on your skin. The coldness of the bevarege soothes your warmth, and it makes you realize that in this moment, this is the only thing you really need.

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