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Jin and jimin get a punishment from their boyfriends in front of the other members


Hardcore BDSM

Namjoon was now forcing Jin to his knees putting on his gag, collar, leash, and blindfold. All the other members watched carefully as namjoon teasingly stroked jin's skin, making goosebumps appear on him. Namjoon tightened the collar on him, dragging him over to bed by the leash.

Namjoon gripped his hand over his throat and pulled his hair, shoving his face into the bed. Then grabbing two handfuls of his hair and smothering his face all over the sheets, Jin moaning in the process. Namjoon spat in his mouth and shoved two fingers in his throat, whilst the ball made it hard for him to breathe.

Jin made a needy whine once namjoon slapped him in the face, and hard to. "This is what a horny little slut like you gets" he degraded the older man, slapping him in the face again. Jimin gasped as he saw Jin get slapped in the face multiple times, and enjoy it. Thinking that maybe he should try this with his boyfriend, j-hope.

Namjoon was now taking off the gag and taking out his hardened member, then shoving it down his throat soon fucking into his mouth, whilst squeezing his nose shut to block his air way. Jin screamed on his dick because he was about to throw up, so namjoon pulled out, let Jin breath for about a minute, and then shoved himself back in.

He took his member and slapped it on jin's tounge, Jin sticking his tounge out so namjoon could cum down his throat. Namjoon gripped his neck again, and forced the liquid down his throat. Making Jin moan at the taste. Namjoon was now holding on to jin's hair hard, and tossing him to the ground. "J-hope come here" jimin's ears perked up as he heard his boyfriends name, getting a little excited because he'll see how j-hope punishes people. That meaning he could punish him.

"Hands and knees right now" Jin obeyed and got into position, sticking out his bum. Namjoon grabbed a paddle that was hanging in his closet, and clawed onto one of jin's butt cheeks. "You better not move, speak, or disobey me in any way." Jin blinked his eyes in response making namjoon pet him, "good puppy."

Before Jin could thank him in anyway, a loud smack could be heard. Jin closed his eyes tight and bit down onto the ball, he tried his best not to move but failed miserably. Namjoon growled and gripped onto his hair, pulling his head back and slapping him in the face. "Bad. Bad. Bad." He said each slap in the face, making Jin hiss out in pain.

The rest of the members were messing with there cocks, each of them pumping themselves in a different way. Suddenly all of the members looked at jimin when he stood up, "can j-hope do this to me while you do it to Jin...I want j-hope to punish me like looks fun." J-hope smirked and hugged his boyfriend, giving namjoon puppy dog eyes "can we please!" Namjoon chuckled and said yes, but told them that jimin needed a safe word.

So jimin choose the word "red" for stop and told them he wanted "green" for go and "yellow" to slow down, then namjoon explained that's what Jin and him do too.  "Strip for me" j-hope told jimin, he kind of getting embarrassed getting undressed in front of the others. But soon undressed himself, not wanting to get a worser punishment.

Everyone gasped as they looked at jimin's marked thighs, welts on his bum and inner thighs, and the bruises on his hips. A small bulge could be seen in through his panties, taehyung mentioning how he loved the red underwear on him. Making j-hope and Jungkook jeolus, jimin just smirked as the two men fought over him.

J-hope soon slapping jimin in his face, "what's your color?" He asked, jimin replying with a small "g-green." J-hope  now tying jimin onto the bed, namjoon doing so to Jin. Both boys looked at their master's, the two men giving them a harsh glare. "Your not going to pity us, your both just a bunch of sluts." Namjoon degraded both the boys, the male soon going up to his pets ear. "How would you like it if I fucked jimin right in front of you~" both jimin and jhopes ears perked up, jimin smiling in excitement. Only to deserve a slap in the face by j-hope, "stop smiling slut!"

Jimin whimpered at the smack, asking if he could have another. "This is a punishment, you don't get what you want kitten" jimin whined out and kicked his legs, jhope coming over to him and choked the boy. Jimin moaning out as he applied pressure, "stop kicking right now" j-hope said sternly. Jimin gulped and obeyed, suddenly getting untied and pushed to the ground by both namjoon and j-hope.

Jimin was picked by his bum and screamed out as namjoon pushed himself in with no warning, "n-no...hope... w-want hobi~" j-hope was now coming into jimin's blurry vision, and jimin looked confused as he stood on the bed but suddenly moaned out as j-hope shoved his dick into his mouth. Already thrusting into his mouth, whilst namjoon thrusted into his bottom, and really hard to.

Jimin's eyes rolled back and loud needy moans spewed from his mouth, not gagging once as j-hope pushed himself down his throat. J-hope pushed onto jimin's head, making him deepthroat him harder. He groaned as he felt the back of the boys throat, small whimpers vibrating his sensitive cock. Soon j-hope was cumming down his throat with a deep grunt, jimin smiling as the liquid ran down him.

Jimin was put out of his trance as namjoon bucked his hips into him at a hard and rough pace, jimin eyes immediately rolling back again. Namjoon gripped onto his butt cheeks and spread them apart, looking at the satisfying way his cock thrusted into the boy. Jimin whined as namjoon got slower, getting distracted by Jin playing with himself.

"P-please go harder master...." Namjoon slapped him in the face, "I did not give you permission to speak you slutty puppy." Jimin pouted, his mouth suddenly hanging open as namjoon went much, much, faster.

Namjoon came inside him with a deep groan, then slapping both his cheeks. J-hope ran over to jimin and carried him to one of the chairs, and pet his head. "You did so good honey, I'm so proud of you. You did so good for daddy!" J-hope suddenly noticing how jimin started to blow bubbles with his spit, "baf timey!" Jimin called out, and j-hope carried him to bathtub. Praising him, telling him that daddy thought he was a good boy.

Namjoon came over to Jin and asked what his color was, Jin replying with a tired "red." Namjoon hummed and carried his boyfriend to their room, letting him sleep after giving them both a shower.

Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook all looked at each other and put their dicks back in their pants. Jungkook soon looking over to taehyung, "could we do that sometime?" Taehyung smirked and held hands with the boy, "of course baby~" making yoongi fake gag. "Get a fucking room!" He yelled out, making both boys scoff. "Oh shut up mister 'I fuck myself and only myself'. Yoongi blushed and ran away, after saying that he had no idea what he was talking about.

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