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Namjoon couldn't help but fuck Jin for teasing him on a vlive

"Hey Jin I bought you your favorite lollipops at the store" jungkook said as he handed them to the older, "thank you!" Jin said excitedly. Jin immediately smirked as he thought of what he'll do with the candies, he of course was going to put on a show for his boyfriend.

Jin and Namjoon have been a couple since they first debuted, of course everyone knew about them. It was easily noticable, especially when there alone together. Everyone at Bighit was very excepting, and some people even thought that Jungkook and jimin were fooling around to.

"Namjoon you wanna join me for a vlive?" Namjoon looked up and hummed, nodding his head yes. "Yeah! I'll join you" namjoon said with a smile and a wink to jin. Making the older blush and look down, a smile forming his face.

"Your so cute jinnie!!" Namjoon cried out in happiness, pinching the older's cheeks. Jin blushed harder and smiled happily then kissed his boyfriends lips. Once jin's lips were on namjoon's the taller man gripped jin's butt, making him whimper. "N-namjoon...t-the vlive" namjoon sighed out in annoyence, "ok...but we're finishing this later." Jin smiled and agreed.

"Hey guys~! It's been awhile since I've done a live, so I decided to do one. Also, we have a special guest today! Who is it? It....is.... Namjoon!!" Namjoon came in the camera view and smiled and waved. "Hello" he said, then smiled at Jin.

The army of course knew about them being together, and they accepted them 100 percent. But unfortunately, there were some army who thought there relationship was disgusting. But that's only because there jeolus that they don't have a chance with them.

Jin was now grabbing a watermelon flavored sucker, and namjoon gulped once he saw Jin slowly suck on the candy. His tounge twirling around sucker, making namjoon start to sweat and his dick start to harden.

Jin of course knew what he was doing, was planning to tease his boyfriend. Since they haven't done anything sexual in awhile. Jin was ready to do something like that, he's waited long enough. In all honesty, namjoon was enjoying seeing jin suck on the candy in such an erotic way.

Jin smiled innocently at namjoon, acting as if he wasn't impersonating giving a blowjob. Namjoon glared at his boyfriend, badly wanting to just fuck him right in front of all army to see. Namjoon immediately got an idea....maybe he'll do just that.

"Jin" he said sternly "give me the sucker" Jin looked at him confused, "why?" Namjoon was now pissed, "listen to me and give me the sucker." Jin hesatently gave namjoon the sucker, but soon regretting it as he shoved it down his throat.

"Is this what you want? Want something shoved down your throat?"  Jin looked at the camera and then back at namjoon like he was crazy, "wha ya dowin" Jin asked in a weird voice because of the sucker. Namjoon just pressed down on one of jin's nipples, pinching it. That caused Jin to hiss out in pain, namjoon came down to his ear and whispered "you want daddy to shove something bigger down your throat~?"

Jin whimpered and nodded his head yes, "words sweetheart" namjoon said in a stern voice. "Yes sir" the taller was now smiling at him, "good boy." A blush appeared on his face because that was the first time namjoon has called him that, and he really liked it.

Jin's eyes widened as namjoon was unbuckling and unzipping his pants, then pulling out his hardened member. "N-namjoon! The live...." Jin said in a scared tone, "I don't give a fuck~." Jin winced as namjoon pulled on his hair, "you want this down your throat, you think it'll be better than some lollipop?" Jin nodded his head yes, but was embarrassed because of the camera.

Namjoon groaned as he pushed himself down jin's throat, the older not gagging once. Instead, was moaning around his length. Bobbing his head back and forth as namjoon gripped onto his hair.

"Fuck my mouth~" Jin said, eyeing namjoon. Namjoon did as told, and fucked into jin's mouth, Jin not even gagging. Namjoon groaned as Jin lapped his tounge all around his length. Saliva ran down jin's mouth, and namjoon moaned deeply at the sight of jin's face.

Jin was now pulling off and bending over, his ass sticking out and his hands against the counter. Namjoon got the hint that Jin was ready to be fucked, so namjoon went behind him and ripped off his trousers. Keeping his underwear on.

"Fuck me~" Jin said, ready to be used. Namjoon did as told and started to play with jin's clothed bulge, Jin biting his lip and moaning out. Namjoon was now pulling down his underwear, and grabbing lube and a condom. He put some of the liquid on his fingers and inserted them ink the older, the said male biting down on his hand.

After some time of prepping Jin, namjoon was now putting on the condom, lubing up his dick, mad then pushing himself into the man. "Ah fuck jin~" namjoon moaned out as he felt the tightness around him, loving the way Jin moaned out in both pleasure and pain.

"M-move" Jin whimpered not caring if it'll hurt, he just wanted namjoon to move inside him. "Choke me" jin ordered, and namjoon doing so. He gripped his hand onto jin's neck, pressing down a little bit.

Namjoon was ramming into Jin at this point, the counter hitting the wall continusly. That making a loud noise, making Jin think 'what if the others can hear us?'

"Ahh hobi~ f-fuck~" yoongi moaned out, but whined as hoeseok suddenly stopped completely. "W-why aren't you moving~" yoongi asked, as he pushed his own self down onto the man, hoping to create some sort of friction. "Is namjoon fucking Jin?" J-hope asked, making yoongi hit him and complain. "Shut up and fuck me!" J-hope glared at yoongi, gripping onto his throat hard. "Don't tell daddy what to do slut~" yoongi whimpered and curled his toes, crying out to be fucked. He was really impatient.

"Taehyung and Jungkook fuck my mouth please, I've been a good puppy~" jimin whined out. Being impatient and ready to be fucked, "g-guys please!" Jimin was now crying from all the oversensitivity, "shush pet! Are namjin and sope fucking?" Jungkook asked taehyung, "yep....but who cares let's just fuck jimin now." Jungkook hummed and put his dick deep down jimin's throat, whilst taehyung shoved his dick down to. Jimin moaned on both cocks and smiled, "Jungkook fuck me from behind and Taehyung fuck my mouth." They both nodded and got into position.

Once namjoon came into jin he pulled out and pumped himself a little, "lay down" Jin obeyed and layed down. "I'm gonna clean you up, okay?" Jin lazily nodded his head and closed his eyes, soon hissing out as namjoon wrapped a cold, wet, cloth on his member. He tried not to get hard and I guess you can say he kinda succeeded, but only because the rag was cold.

Namjoon was now laying beside his boyfriend and brushed the hair out of his face, smiling at him. "I'll delete the live in the morning, lord knows we can't post that shit. Mr. Bang will rip out body's apart piece by piece." Namjoon said with a chuckle, but Jin just shiverd, the thought of his beautiful body being ruined, and not being ruined by namjoon and only namjoon.

"I wonder if the others heard us?" Namjoon chuckled, "most definitely."

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