Under arrest

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Jimin finds someone trying to break into a house, but it doesn't go as planned.

"Okay, officer Park, I am assigning you for late night duties. I expect some good work out of you, after all, you are our best worker. Whatever it is your doing, keep doing it. Okay...okay great!" Jimin nodded his head, giving a proud "yes sir!"

As jimin rode around in the cop car he noticed something rather unusual, so he decided to check it out. He grabbed his flashlight and his gun, then walked towards the building. Once he saw a broken window, he was now alarmed and interested. "Come out or I'll shoot!" He announced, waiting for some sort of sign.

After awhile he came around a corner of an alleyway, and saw a tall figure doing something. "Don't move! I have a gun! My name is officer Park, and I am a legal cop! I can shoot!" Of course jimin wasn't actually gonna shoot for no reason, he just said that to scare the figure. But it seems as if I didn't work because the man was walking towards him.

"Sir don't come any close-" jimin was now being pinned against a brick wall, a hot breath going down his neck. The man above him chuckled like a mad man, giving jimin lustful eyes. "Your so beautiful baby~" the man whispered in his ear, "how about I take you to my place...or should I just fuck you right here?"

Jimin just scoffed, offended that the man would assume he would do something like that. "Don't you fucking touch me you pig!" The man slapped him across the face, making jimin wince out in pain. "What's your name..." jimin just shut his eyes and turned his head, making the man tug on his hair causing jimin to moan.

"J-jimin~" he pat his head, brushing his bottom lips with his finger. "Your so perfect jimin, my name is kim seokjin. But you can call me Jin...or daddy if you'd like." Jimin scoffed again, "I would never" he snarled while looking at Jin with a death glare. "You can go to hell and burn."

Jin gave him a "whatever" kinda look, not really caring about the hate comment he gave. Instead just gripped onto his jaw, "I want you down on you knees now..." jimin shook his head no, but then was forcefully pushed down. "Now suck me off and make sure your doing good." Jimin rolled his eyes but did it anyway, knowing it would be better to listen to the man.

Jimin was now unzipping his zipper and then undoing the buckle, then cupping his clothed bulge. Jin groaned at his actions, ordering him to hurry up. So now jimin was taking out his dick, his eyes widened at the sight. Jin was much bigger then most men jimin has sucked off.

The younger was now putting it in his mouth moaning at the taste, making Jin grit his teeth and hiss. "Ah fuck jimin~" Jin moaned out as jimin forced the dick down his throat, going back to tease his tip. Putting kitten licks all over the member and moaning, sending vibrations.

Jin was a moaning mess as jimin did his work, jacking off the rest that doesn't fit. Not gagging once as it hit the back of his throat, giving Jin a go to hell look the whole time. That making Jin grip onto his hair, and press his hand on his throat. Making it hard for jimin to breath, but then stopping as soon as jimin's face turned a purplish red color.

Jimin pulled off whenever he came down his throat, jimin then swallowing the fluid. Jin was now ripping off jimin's chlothes and gripping onto his hips, propping him up to where his back is against the hard brick wall.

Jin was now aligning his dick up with jimin's hole, "the condom?" Jimin asked, but was soon moaning loudly as Jin pressed himself inside. "F-fuuck~" jimin couldn't help but be quite, crying out in pain as the wall scratched his back. But making all kinda of pleasured noise at the same time.

The older then pulled out and pushed back in at a rough pace, hitting his prostate dead on. Jimin started to cry from all the immense pleasure, it being to much to handle. "Jin ah g-gonna cum~!" Jimin yelped out as he came all over his stomach.

Jin wiped the substance with his two fingers then shoved it in jimin's mouth, making him cringe at the taste. It was very salty and sour, he did not enjoy the taste.

After awhile, Jin was cumming in jimin with a following deep grunt. Jimin was now sleepy and wanted to rest, but he still had to go and arrest the man. "Look...that was an amazing fuck, but I have to arrest you." Jimin sighed out from being tired and fucked out, "I know...I'll let you."

Jimin looked at him confused and cocked his eyebrow, "you do...?" Jin just smiles at him making jimin think he is going crazy, "how else would I be able to fuck you?" Jimin just chuckled, "ok then, but we'll have to do it in secret." Jin nodded his head understanding what jimin meant.

5 weeks later:

"Jimin Jin has requested to see you, there will be guards." Jimin smiled, thanking him.

On his way he saw Jin in a much larger cell, blushing when Jin whistled when he saw him. "Damn...your something special..." jimin hit his chest playfully, "s-shut up pabo." Jin just chuckled and pinned jimin up against the wall. "It's like our first time.." jimin said, in which Jin laughed and agreed.

Jimin looked over to the guards who had the guns up, "put him down" they ordered. But, jimin signaled them to go away in which they did after jimin said he wants this, and of course telling them to keep it a secret. They nodded their heads and left, leaving the two alone.

"Ah Jin fuck me~" jimin moaned out, his dick hardening in his pants. "Okay baby", Jin grabbed a condom and slid it on. He knows that jimin likes the condom, so he uses it. But he doesn't use lube since jimin doesn't like the lube.

Jin was now pressing himself into the smaller, jimin moaning at the feeling. "Go slow~" Jin did so, then gradually getting faster and faster. Jimin was now sobbing from all the pleasure and pain. Loving the feeling.

Jin was now fucking into him at a fast pace, jimin's eyes rolling in the back of his head and saliva ran down his chin. Loud "uh uh uh's" were heard each thrust Jin made, it was impossible to not hear.

They stopped as they heard a bang on the door, "jimin! Are you okay?" Jin began to slowly thrust in him. "Ah~ y-yeah I'm fine ahh~" Jin couldn't help but smile at the fact he was fucking jimin, someone obviously at the door able to hear it all.

"Do you need any help? I heard strange noises!" Jimin covers his mouth and shut his eyes tight, "Fuuuck go f-faster! Ahhh stop going slooow~" the person at the door immediately blushed and gave a quick "oh shit! S-sorry I wasn't aware..." running away feeling embarrassed.

Jimin moaned out in embarrassment glaring at Jin for going slow, "you fucking dic- ahhhh~!" Jin was fucking into him to the point where the table next to them was shaking so bad it fell down. Jimin sobbed as Jin fucked into him, but not wanting it to stop.

Jin pulled out and pushed jimin down to his knees, taking off the condom and tossing it into the trash can. "You know what to do," Jin said looking into his eyes. Jin grabbed his base then sliding the whole length into his mouth, not gagging once.

Jin finally came down his throat while gripping on his hair, sending chills down Jimin's spine. "Ah fuck jin~" Jin smiled and carried jimin to his bed, "jimin...will you be my boyfriend?" Jimin gasped and kissed his lips giving a very excited "of course!"

2 years later:

After some time jimin quit his job as a police officer to become a famous dancer, and after making enough money he bailed Jin out of jail.

Now they live in a small apartment together in Seoul, and they are very happy. Also,they plan to get married in about 3 months.

Their gonna go to New York to get married and then have their honeymoon in Japan.

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