Just girl things

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J-hope finds out his friend isn't a girl but actually a boy

Jungkook finds out that his crush is actually a boy

"Damn j-hope she's cute....what's her name?" Jungkook asked his friend, "why do you expect me to know..." Jungkook gave him a 'are you serious right now' kind of face. "Because you know everyone...so what's her name." J-hope sighed out in annoyence, "Park Jimin...she's 17 years old and is going to studying cosmetology in college." Jungkook's mouth dropped to the table, "damn...are you some kind of stalker or what!?"

J-hope rolled his eyes whilst getting up, "well I gotta go see yoongi, she has something she needs to tell me..." j-hope said with a small smile. Making Jungkook wiggle his eyebrows and make a little girls voice "j-hope oppa~ I'm...I'm in love with you! Please be mine! I love you~!" J-hope made a disgusted face and pretended to gag, "you know I'm gay...right?" Jungkook just chuckled, "I know....I'm just tryna get on your nerves."

Jungkook waved bye and walked away to go see his other friend, taehyung.

Yoongi blushed once she saw j-hope, "hey yoongs!" The girl hid her face and crossed her legs, "h-hello hobi oppa~." J-hope smiled at her and pinched her cheek, "aigoo~!" She smiled and made a cute pout, "I-I'm not cute..." j-hope just looked at her in the eyes. "So what did you wanna tell me" yoongi immediately blushed and tried not to cry, "i-it's not important.. I'll just le-" before she could finish her sentence j-hope was already grabbing her wrist, stopping her.

"Come onnnnn! Telll meee! Pleeease!" Yoongi giggled, but soon stopped as she remembered the news. "You see...since you came out to me I thought that you wouldn't judge me...s-so I have decided to tell you...this-this thing..." j-hope looked at her confused, but told her to continue. "I-I'm not a girl....I'm actually a boy..." j-hope looked even more confused and cocked his head to the side, "what do you mean?"

Yoongi started to cry, j-hope immediately rubbing her back and wiping off her tears. "Come with me to the boys bathroom...." "b-but..." Yoongi was already dragging j-hope to the boys bathroom and locking them both in one of the halls. "Can I show you something...and by that...can I show you something really personal?" J-hope shook his head yes, not expecting for yoongi to pull of her skirt and reveal a bulge in women's underwear.

"Y-you have a dick?!" Yoongi bit her lip and nodded her head yes, "you see I was born male but I like wearing girl chlothes and I like to be thought of as a girl...I'm sorry I shouldn't have sho-" j-hope was now hugging yoongi, putting his hands on her waist. "It's okay...I accept you." Yoongi smiled and put her lips onto his, j-hope smiling into the kiss.

"I'm okay with both male and female pronouns....I just like to wear girl everything, I-I even grew out my hair to look feminine." Yoongi giggled, but soon gasped as j-hope pushed into her bulge. "C-can I....?" Yoongi shook her head yes as she but her lip. J-hope was now pulling down her underwear, only to reveal a 3 inch dick.

"So pretty...." j-hope whispered to himself, not realizing he was talking aloud. Yoongi blushed madly and covers her face, "it's small...don't look~" but j-hope couldn't stop looking and touching. "Your beautiful...your cock is beautiful" j-hope said memorized, yoongi couldn't stop blushing.

Yoongi was now blushing at the fact that j-hope had a full on tent in his pants, just from looking at her small member. "Do you need help...." yoongi asked, her dick growing to become a good 4 inches. J-hope couldn't help but drool in amazement as he saw it, a small "please" could be heard coming out of jhopes mouth.

He was now unbuckling and unzipping his pants, then putting yoongi on her hands and knees. "God....I can't wait to fuck your boy pussy~" yoongi moaned out at his words, her cock growing from all the excitement. "I don't have any condoms or lube..." j-hope whispered, but yoongi just told him to push himself inside and that she didn't care.

Yoongi yelped as j-hope squeezed her thighs and slowly pushed himself inside, "fuck your so tight~" j-hope groaned as he pushed himself inside the femboy. She moaned as j-hope started to move, her lip starting to sting from all the biting. "Ahh hobi~" yoongi moaned out, then begging for him to harder. J-hope did so, thrusting into her at a fast pace, her eyes rolled back and deep moans came out of her mouth.

"Shit...your pussy feels amazing little boy~" jhope said, whilst yoongi jacked herself off. Finally after some time yoongi was the first to cum, a following j-hope cumming inside her.

Jungkook walked up to jimin and waved to her, "hey angel~." Jimin smiled at him and twirled her hair, "s-shut up oppa" she giggled. Jungkook just sat next to her and placed his hand on her thigh, glancing down to her chest. Only to notice she was completely flat chested like a boy, but he didn't care, he still likes her.

Jungkook came down to her ear only to whisper, "I know you're secret." Jimin gasped and tried to run away, but Jungkook pinned her against the lockers. "I know about your little fetish...you slutty little girl....or should I even call you that?" Jimin became pale once Jungkook said those words, revealing to her that he knew she wasn't actually a girl.

"I-I can explain...." Jungkook put his finger to her mouth and shushed her, "no need...but I should let you know that I think it's fucking hot." Jimin slightly smiled, liking the fact that Jungkook wasn't gonna beat her up because he thought it was disgusting.

"What if I fucked you right here? Just so everyone could see how much of a slutty little girl you are, hmm? You think I should do that?" Jimin whimpered out a small "p-please~." Jungkook immediately ripped off her skirt, revealing a bulge in a thong. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here~ the little girly boy is wearing a thong~" Jungkook said smacking one of her ass cheeks, it giggling in the process.

Jungkook pushed her face into the locker, jimin teasingly sticking out her bum whilst shaking it impatiently. "P-please just fuck me~" Jungkook then popped her mouth, warning her to behave. "You want daddy to fuck your boy pussy~ you think a little slut like you would like that?" Jimin moaned out a "pretty please daddy!" Making Jungkook slap one of her butt cheeks, her hissing at the sting.

"Stop being an impatient little slut before I go punish you extra hard" jimin whimpered as Jungkook pushed two fingers inside of her, slapping her thighs in the process. Before jimin could do anything else, Jungkook was already pushing himself inside. Then going at an animalistic pace, she moaned out loud. Making Jungkook wrap his hand around her mouth and press down hard, her moans now becoming muffled.

Jungkook really like the boy's moans, noticed how they were naturally feminine and high pitched. Jungkook thought her moans were angelic and pretty, also thinking most boys shouldn't sound this girly. But in this case she was technically a girl.

Jungkook finally cummed in her, and then wrapped his hand around her dick, pumping it. Soft whimpers and mewls came out of her mouth, again making him think boys shouldn't sound this girly.

All the boys/girls now sit at their table in the cafeteria, j-hope and yoongi now boyfriend and girlfriend and jimin and Jungkook boyfriends.

After some time, yoongi came out as a straight transgender woman and j-hope came out as bisexual. Jimin then coming out saying he identifys as a boy, but just likes the female clothing. He just says that he is something called a femboy.

The three boys and one girl immediately became couples, them now joking about how they'll have to tell their kids how they met.

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