School or nah?

22 4 0

In this life, we are made to bring nothing but pain to each other.

I walked down the school corridor trying my best to hide the redness of my right ear without using my hair since i tied it up into a bun because of the heat. Everyone was looking at me like i was a freak or something like that but i just ignored it and continue to walk until i got to my locker.

i got my things for this morning and headed out to my classroom. Which was on the fourth floor of this building and the second classroom beside the stairs. Really far i must say, so it means everyone gets to see my bruised ear.

When i got to the classroom, everyone was seated and was waiting for our teacher which means if i don't sit now, my teacher will scold me and question me about my right ear. But if i get in now, people will see me with my ear but wouldn't question me until snacks time which is a better option than the first one, so i quickly got inside while covering my ear.

"Hey is something wrong with your ear? Why are you covering it?" My seat-mate, Jenny Lopez, asked as i sat down on the second row 5th column from the right.

Jenny Lopez is this belieber student in our classroom. She has bangs to prove it (because she loves Justin and since he got bang she wants to follow him too) She also has eye glasses and plays the guitar quite well. She likes Justin Bieber a lot and i respect her because even if everyone hates that singer and tells her to move on to another one, she still stays as a belieber. Unlike me... Well i have to, my dad told me to. I don't know why he pushed me into not liking Justin Bieber though. Dad has some problems with that handsome young man and i don't know why too.

I smiled sheepishly at her and place my hand down to make Jenny get a better look at my bruised ear. "Does it look bad?" I asked.

She gave a disgusted look and lean back away from me. "Ew, that's pretty bruised up. What happened?"

"I-" i hesitated. I can't just tell anyone it was dad's fault, they might report it as child abuse and my dad would be in jail which i can't stand to think about. "Uh, something weird happened." I just reason out because i couldn't think of anything else to tell her.

She nodded her head. "Well you should put ice on that before it gets a little bit more disgusting than it is now.." She suggested.

I smiled. I appreciate Jenny not trying to push the subject further. I don't think i want to push this subject further. I don't want anyone to look at me with sorry eyes.

I nodded my head but didn't reply because our teacher got inside our room holding a clip board which means, we are going to have our fifth seating arrangement. She had been giving us new seating plans for the past two months because we were the noisiest class and she thinks the class needs to be disciplined. Our teacher made sure we were going to be seated beside people we don't like that much That's why in our class, many despise each other. It's a good thing whoever my seat-mates are i always get along well with them. I just hope in this seating plan, i'm still going to be seated with the not so mean people.

Without saying a word, and a frown on her face, she pointed at the back of the classroom and everyone started to scramble before our teacher would count until ten. I am one of the students who panicked to grab all my things, but i'm the only one who was careful not to hurt my own ear. When everyone was standing at the back of the classroom, she started yelling names and pointing at the chair where they are suppose to sit.

"i wish Miss Claire would place me somewhere near Daren." Tina said and crossed her fingers.

I rolled my eyes mentally. I hope not. If she will be, i swear to god she would now never stop talking about him and her and their conversations and how Daren would hold her hand or kiss her forehead. Call me bitter and loveless i don't care, i'm just saying that it annoys me sometimes to the point i want to smash her head with a chair to make her wake up that Daren's not really a boy friend worthy.

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