The Plan

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Entering a large stone chamber underneath the crystal tree Twilight Sparkle sat on her large throne, the other elements of harmony took their places amongst the other Princesses in the room, they were waiting for Gold Star and Red to arrive.
"Ugh, I'm so bored." A certain rainbow haired pegasus said aloud. "Can't we just go over the plan now?" She grunted and looked at the other mares around the table.
"Rainbow, darling. Please can you be quiet?" The older ivory unicorn shot back at the blue equine.
"Now now ladies, its no time for a scuffle." Applejack blurted out and looked to Twilight.

Twilight nodded in agreement to Applejack.
"If we were to start now we wouldn't get any constructive criticism." She explained. "Red is possibly the only one who knows the layout off by heart." She went on. Soon the doors burst open and in came the elegant Gold Star and her lover. They both sat together and looked at the map of the castle.
"So Twilight, whats the plan?" Gold Star asked the purple Princess.
"The plan is that we will be split into teams. Red, Gold, Applejack and Cadence in one. And the rest in another, i will be in the castle distracting Celestia." She smiled. "Red and his team will go through the secret tunnel in the back, Luna and her team will go through the tunnel in the front, that is when we're most obscure."

This plan didn't sit well with Red.
"It will take us day and night to even get into those tunnels, plus, only a Dragon Pony can find them. No magic can detect these tunnels. What i suggest is that we scout ahead first, whilst i try to find the tunnel at the back, the back tunnel is better because of less defences. If we have less guards to worry about that means we have a better chance of getting in and taking down Celestia." He made his points clear, he had more battle experience than the Princesses that were present in the room so he knew what he was doing.

"Ok then, I was thinking about attacking in the day, this means that Luna's Bat Pony guards aren't about and that means they can't hear u..." Twilight was then cut off by Red.
"If we attack in daylight we have a better chance to be seen. Plus Luna's bat guards protect her, unlike that bigot Celestia she cares about other species." He went on. "Attacking at day makes us vulnerable but at night it makes us invulnerable,." He stated. "For a Princess so smart you sure don't know very much about tactics." He growled lowly. Rainbow Dash chuckled at this.
"Twi, why don't you allow Red to take over? He seems a bit more capable then you.

The Purple Princess smirked and nodded. However this didn't go unnoticed by Red.
"Very well then. Lets see if this brute has any better chance than me of getting us in." She said the last part under her breath, Red got up from his seat and looked at the map.
"Now, because the castle is different from these plans, we will need to go inside to retrieve information, now even though you Princesses know your way around the castle I'm sure that you've never been under the city. So we will need scouts to go in, I heard from a guard when I was in Canterlot that the castle is to have maintenance this week, so what we do is we find the workers, find a way to get their clothes and get inside." He took a sip of water from a glass he poured himself.

"Once inside we will do the job and we should be able to have a free roam around the castle, if anyone asks just say you're doing extra maintenance. Now I know that you guys will be recognised so I will be going in alone. I just need one of you to lower the shield on the city so that I can get in, however if i do get captured this is what you guys will do." He coughed slightly and drank some more water. "Upon the event of a capture if there is one a signal from my memory bank will be sent to Gold Star, she put a spell on me this morning so that everything i see, she can see when she closes her eyes. If I do get captured the signal will be sent to her making her fall asleep instantly, Gold Star has agreed to this just so you guys know, she trusts me." He nuzzled his giantess and sat on her lap with a chuckle, Gold Star kissed his cheek and the Princess of Love smirked at this, she knew what they did last night.

"Now with the information you will receive if I do come back or do not, you will allow Gold Star to draft a plan, do I make myself clear?" He asked the Ponies around the table and they all nodded simultaneously. " after the draft I will probably be put in one of the more secure Dungeons, that is when Twilight will break me out, however if something happens and Twilight somehow doesn't hear of this then Gold Star will get me out, this means I'll be in action again. With the old knowledge and the new knowledge of the castle we can infiltrate it at night, possibly using the sewers or digging out a new one, the old tunnels now that I think about it would probably have been collapsed by now, so any objections?" He asked the group and the Rainbow haired pegasus spoke out.
"Where do us Pegasi come in?" She asked as she pointed at herself and Fluttershy.
"You both will do an aerial scan of our playing field, you will monitor guards at all time, if the pressure on Fluttershy is too much, you will have to take over Rainbow." He explained and Rainbow saluted, she looked at her timid.
"You don't have to come, maybe you can do some distracting with the animals when we do the actual siege."

With that Fluttershy gave a smile and nodded. "I'll stick to the animals." She beamed.
"Then its all ready, so thank you for listening to me and goodbye." Red got off of his lovers lap and walked away with her, the rest of the Ponies followed out with a cheer, they would need an army so Ponyville would probably help out.

Once all of the were out Twilight growled, she had never been insulted like that so she then she got herself some paper and started to write.
"Dear Celestia." She smirked and started to tell her the plan, she was the serpent that laid beneath the flower ready to attack.

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